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Must-Watch TV Christmas Special Episodes

Must-Watch TV Christmas Special Episodes

The happiest time of the year is also the coldest season. The best time to snuggle up on your couch with a thick blanket, hot cocoa, and a Christmas special on your TV.

But there are a ton of holiday special episodes out there! Worry not! Because here are some of the best ones you can start your Christmas binge with.

White Christmas – Black Mirror

Want a break from the normal, sappy Christmas special most TV shows go for? Then start your binge with this holiday episode from Black Mirror. We don’t want to ruin this awesome episode for you by going into its intricate story. But be warned that it has a very thought-provoking mystery plot.

Regional Holiday Music – Community

You really don’t have to watch all of Community in order to enjoy this one Christmas special from season 3. This episode revolves around the campus’ Glee club and how it’s humorously taking over Christmas, one main character at a time.

The one with the Holiday Armadillo – Friends

This one is a classic Christmas special from the legendary TV show Friends. If you’re looking for a brief and light show to watch for the holidays, you can add this fun episode to your watch list! 

The 23rd – New Girl

Something to warm your heart with. This episode starts off somewhat disastrous like how most New Girl holiday specials are. But the end is quite wholesome and will make you miss your friends a lot. Don’t watch this if your friends are out of town for the season!

See Also

The Final Page (Part Two) – HIMYM

And of course, the best Christmas special is saved for the last. This holiday episode from How I Met Your Mother is more than just for festivities. It is a pivotal episode for every character, and Barney’s complex proposal never gets old.

What Christmas specials will you binge on this holiday season?

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