Mulan live-action brings honor to us all with latest trailer

Phew! Just when we thought the Mulan live-action proves unworthy of our time, it actually made us eat our words. Of course, mind you, we are not setting aside the fact that the call to boycott it sounds reasonable. The new trailer, however, leaves us begging for more. Disney finally gave our Asian warrior justice!
Goosebumps everywhere! The ancestors has heard our earnest prayers to include the memorable track in this remake. Although, by the looks of it, the titular character may not be singing the ballad in between the action. Instrumentation would still give us the feels though, and we’re ever grateful.
Mulan vs. New Villain
The source material introduced us to the threat China must face. Shan Yu, leader of the Huns, finds himself in the 2020 version but the spotlight isn’t his. In fact, the producers decided to go for his alias Bori Khan portrayed by Jason Scott Lee.
Meanwhile, the main antagonist Mulan has to overcome is Xian Lang. Does she seem familiar? Rightly so! Notably, she is previously Shan Yu’s saker falcon who is now a powerful shape-shifting witch. She’s also known about her masquerading as a male which spices things up even more!
Casting Done Right
Certainly, we won’t disregard the alleged comments Liu Yifei posted against Hong Kong protestors. Her acting chops might save her from such disgrace in this case. Casting Jet Li as the Emperor? Well, take our money already! Having actual martial artists on the lineup boasts endless possibilities of leaving us breathless.
Incredible Cinematography
Changes will always be there in comparison to the original. Still, this adaptation doesn’t pale to the spectrum of colors it features on the trailer. Makeup, costumes, and locations deserve a round of applause for director Niki Caro. She masterfully brought our fantasy to life, without compromising on the action.
Pays Tribute To The Myth
On the other hand, the marketing for the Mulan live-action stands firm on their claim that the screenplay stays true to the Ballad of Mulan. The shots shown do confirm this with Hua Mulan not Fa Mulan expertly handling a sword. Not to mention, this exact skill was depicted from the inspiration. She has been trained in various weapons including bow and arrow and martial arts, but working on a loom hinders her from it.
The waiting game begins until March 27, 2020 to where this leads us.