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Miss Earth 2022 to be held in the Philippines

Miss Earth 2022 to be held in the Philippines

Miss Earth 2022 to be held in the Philippines

Pageant fans, your wish has been heard! Miss Earth will be coming to you live and in person once again! The 22nd edition of Miss Earth will finally stage its first on-ground coronation after two years of doing it virtually.

Happening in the Philippines on November 12, this confirmation was made by The Miss Earth Organization under Carousel Productions.

Mabuhay, Earthlings

In a social media post via Miss Earth’s official Instagram page, the pageant will be done through a hybrid set-up. This means that all preliminary activities will be split into virtual and physical events.

While the venue of the coronation is yet to be announced, this year’s pageant will follow the theme, “ME Loves Fauna”. This is to highlight the importance of animal life not only to us, humans but also to the ecosystem at large.

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For the staging and overall production of the pageant, Miss Earth Executive Vice President Lorrane Shuck has this to say:

Apart from this meaningful undertaking, showcasing the beauty of the Philippines to the world, as it rises up from the pandemic, would be beneficial to our tourism industry. The pageant will give more focus on staging events outdoors showing nature and picturesque eco landscapes as much as possible to showcase its beauty and at the same time lessening its carbon footprint with natural lighting

For President Ramon Monzon, he said that they will continue to obey the existing health protocols for the pageant. Considering that we’re still in a pandemic, every candidate’s safety and well-being is their utmost priority.

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Miss Earth 2022 is expecting a turnout of around 90 candidates from across the world. This includes our very own Miss Philippines Earth 2022 Jenny Ramp.

All pre-pageant events will be streamed from Miss Earth’s social media accounts. Meanwhile, the actual coronation will be broadcasted through different TV channels worldwide. Make sure to check their website for more updates.

Belize’s Destiny Wagner will crown her successor at the end of the event.

Who do you think will be the next royal eco-warrior? The pageant will officially kick off by October 24 so stay tuned!

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