Ivan Royce Coffee Series: 5 Coffee Mixes that you should try

Upon browsing in the Tiktok application, you may have seen Ivan Royce‘s Coffee Series on your For You Page. In addition, he does not settle with the only classically brewed coffee. He, then, adds on a variety of ingredients to give his coffee mixes a different taste that people may like. Moreover, he produces good-quality content by including ASMR‘s, pleasing-to-the-eye drinks, and backgrounds in his videos. In addition, coffee companies found about his content and reached out for partnerships and collaborations in his series.
Ivan Royce Coffee Series: 5 Coffee Mixes that you should try
1. Hazelnut Caramel Macchiato
This beverage has B Coffee Colombia as a partner in his recently uploaded video. To add to this, it features a different kick of sweetness that caramel has. And the combination of the creaminess of milk and coffee would be perfect for people who like their coffee sweet and creamy.
@ivanroycep Hazelnut Caramel Macchiato with @beyourownbarista.today ☕ #BCoffee #beyourownbaristatoday #KapeTayo #HomeCafePH #caffeinated #ShopeeFinds #LazadaHaul
2. Double Mocha + First Love
In one of his videos, another partnered content from Silca Coffee Roasting Company recently got a collaboration with Annefreid Vivar as the video’s narrator talking about first love. To add to this, the combination of chocolate and coffee produces that mocha taste paired with more chocolates and ice cream. Ending up with a ‘sweet and fragrant’ coffee mix– like a first love.
@ivanroycep #FirstLove + Double Mocha!!! 🥰#silcafeph #Homecafe#Homecafeph #foodietokph#TikTokEatsPH#summereatsph#coffee #coffeeph #KapeTayo #Letsgeteat
3. Strawberry Iced Coffee
This iced coffee would surely be the most recommended for strawberry lovers! Moreover, the fruity sweetness combined with the coffee’s bittersweet taste would definitely be the level-up version of the strawberries and chocolate.
@ivanroycep Strawberry Iced Coffee 😍☕️🍓 #TiktokCookBook #IcedCoffee #StrawberryIcedCoffee #LetsGetEat #Pink #EasyRecipe #gradient #straberrymilk
4. Ube Coffee
The ube brings a whole new sweetness to the coffee. In addition, ube has that hint of vanilla and a little kick of coconut taste. Now, imagine it getting combined with the bitter yet sweet taste of coffee, and the creaminess of the milk. This would be perfect for people who love to try different variations of sweeteners in their coffee!
@ivanroycep Ube + Coffee? 💜☕ #KapeTayo #Ube #UbeLatte #HomeCafe #SummerEats #TiktokEatsPH #Purple #rareaesthetic
5. S’mores Iced Coffee
Lastly, imagine going camping, roasting marshmallows in front of a bonfire, and eating it right after it melted. Then, partner it with graham crackers and some chocolates. How delightful could that be? Now, combine it with a coffee, and you get a whole new cold treat! This iced coffee would be a sweet indulgence during summer as you treat yourself to a vacation.
@ivanroycep S’mores Iced Coffee!!! Drink + Dessert 🥳 #silcafeph#Homecafe #Homecafeph#foodietokph #TikTokEatsPH#summereatsph#coffee #coffeeph #tiktokcookoff
Ivan Royce on doing the Coffee Series.
As we finish recommending Ivan Royce’s coffee mixes, he said in an online interview that he prefers to experiment in his creative process. Then, he likes to think about the recipes that would taste good, and how good they would look. In addition, he said that in his layered beverages, he sometimes draws what he expects to see as a result. Including which ingredient he would add first or which he would add last. Moreover, Ivan Royce also thoughts about being distinct among others.
“I was inspired by Pinterest and several Korean home cafes on YouTube. Even though I’m influenced by them, I always strive to put my own twist.”
On honoring the coffee farmers.
He also dedicates his Coffee Series to the local farmers here in the Philippines who became the reasons “why we have coffee on our tables.”
“People often ignore coffee farmers, even though they are the ones who help us get coffee on our tables. Let us give our local farmers the recognition they deserve!”
To conclude his Coffee Series, he does not only bring sweet treats, but also a good cause in remembering and recognizing our local farmers, especially the ones that harvest coffee beans. Catch more from his Tiktok account for more of his series!

Annefreid often finds herself being lost in the lines of serene melodies of this world. When writing, she usually uses personal anecdotes, and she also likes to write about the things she loves. She also wanted her write-ups to be something people will look for whenever they wanted to know about something, as she's fond of aiding people through her words as a writer. Moreover, she spends her time making music and creatively writing where she can exercise her creativity.