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Immuki Island: Hidden gem in the North

Immuki Island: Hidden gem in the North

Tired of hearing surfing in San Juan as the initial suggestion when visiting La Union? Say less because there are greater things to do like visiting watch towers and a unique coral island. The pristine waters in the lagoon of Immuki Island are perfect for adventure seekers who are always up for swimming or cliff jumping.

The hidden gem is located in Paraoir, Balaoan, La Union. You will pass by the entrance going to Immuki Island on your way to Baluarte Watch Tower or Bato de Luna. If you are coming from Manila, here are some options to possibly visit this wonderful place.

Immuki Island: Hidden gem in the North

Immuki Island is not your typical island. It is a dead coral, situated a few meters away from the shore, that is surrounded by mangroves. There is a registration in the Barangal Hall and the entrance fee is 20 pesos per head. Open-air cottages are resting along the shore through a donation-only type of payment. Shower rooms are also available and other equipments like goggles, slippers, and life vests are for rent at affordable prices. Wearing aqua shoes is best because of the rocks, it is impossible to walk barefoot without hurting your feet.

Getting to the lagoons

On low tides, you can walk towards Immuki island. In the afternoon, when the water gets higher, it is advisable to take a balsa (raft) that is available for rent by the locals. The raft can fit up to six people. There is a table in the middle which you can use in case you are planning on eating there. For 250 pesos, you can have it for an hour and 30 minutes, including the fee of the guide who will pull the raft towards the island.

The first lagoon, called Immuki is around 10 feet deep. There were a lot of sea slugs in the area before and sea slugs. When translated into the local dialect, refer to female genitalia. In Ilocano, the female genitalia is called “uki.” Immuki has also been associated with the island because of the shape of the lagoon. According to the locals, it resembles the shape of female genitalia from the top view.

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The second and third lagoons were also named after other body parts. The second lagoon is 8 feet deep and is called Bimmuto (Buto is an Ilocano term that refers to the male genitalia). Locals say that the shape of the second lagoon resembles the shape of the male genitalia. The third lagoon is 12 feet deep and is called Immubet (Ubet is an Ilocano term that refers to the anus).

The dead corals are jagged and have sharp edges, thus, it is not advisable to walk in barefoot. The water is irresistibly clear; there are parts that are shallow and some are deep. If you want to make the most out of your visit, you should visit at high tide. It is usually around 9 or 10 in the morning and 3 pm onwards in the afternoon. If you are lucky, you might witness the sunset spreading its golden beauty.

Since the destination is close to other tourist spots in La Union, you can plan your itinerary by combining nearby spots. The Immuki Island with the Namacpacan Church, Bato de Luna, Baluarte (Luna) Watch Tower, Balaoan Watch Tower, and Almeida Manmade Forest.

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