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How to Deal with Marites?

How to Deal with Marites?

Who hasn’t heard of Marites? Unless you’ve been living under a rock throughout the pandemic, you’ve certainly heard about her. From juicy neighborhood updates to the latest celebrity teas, Marites surely knows it all.

During the pandemic, when most Filipinos stayed indoors and shifted their customary hobbies on the internet, another piece of Filipino culture emerged and took a massive leap– Marites Culture.

The term Marites, from the phrase “Mare, anong latest?” has become a colloquial term for gossipmongers. It refers to people who devote their time making stories and spreading rumors, either online or within their neighborhood. As a matter of fact, social scientists have found out that gossiping is not inherently bad and that it comes naturally to us. However, it becomes destructive when it starts to ruin one’s reputation.

Are you a victim of Marites? Here’s how to deal with them

Control your emotion

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Many individuals who become the focus of Marites in their neighborhood or even on social media tend to initially react with anger, leading to a heated confrontation and another conflict. Taking a step back to enable yourself to cool down will significantly help you establish a more effective and constructive approach to resolving the issue.

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Laugh it off!

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One of the easiest and most effective ways to deal with the rumors and issues made by Marites is to laugh it out. Remember that you are the one who knows yourself, so simply play it off. Act like it’s no big deal, and let Marites see that you are not affected at all. The less fuss you make about the issue, the more likely it is that no one will be interested, and they will simply forget the buzz.

Confront Marites directly

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If you know for sure who are exactly the Marites who spreads rumors about you, you can simply talk to them before the gossip gets out of hand. But, of course, do this calmly unless you want another problem to arise.

It is challenging to be the subject of a negative rumor. What people say about you isn’t always in your power, but what you can control is how you react to it.

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