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FotoSerye: “A Touch of the Gods”

FotoSerye: “A Touch of the Gods”

Fashion photography is an art of photography that transcends the world of fashion. This includes shooting spreads for fashion magazines and photographing clothes on runways and in showrooms and on location for lookbooks. As we all know, It can be artful or commercial, but it’s almost always about seizing the moment between a fashion model and the clothes on their body. With that being said, FotoSerye contains all of my experiences in the art of Photography.

I created this Photo Collection series, to showcase my shots and the concept behind them in building my portfolio. This serves as an avenue to know where I’m at in terms of rationale and skills as Photographer. And here I am ready to face all the trials and tribulations in becoming an excellent fashion photographer someday!

The Inspiration behind “A Touch of the Gods”

At a single glance, one could instantly get where I’m coming from for this shoot. I was heavily inspired by the ancient greek sculptures in the Classical period. During the Classical Period, we can see changes in the style and capability of models, alongside a sensational expansion in the specialized expertise of Greek stone workers in portraying practical human structures. Poses additionally turned out to be more naturalistic, eminently during the start of the period.

Lastly, I wanted to also incorporate what I have learned in my major in advertising arts, which is to effectively advertise the product which is perfume. As you glance through my photos you can definitely see a teaser advertisement to release a new product in the market!

Working with Diovani Brunetto

Working with such an amazing model like Diovani was indeed a pleasure. He fully embodied the vision that I have on my mind. In addition, posing like a statuesque really unleashed the full potential of the perfume to the model which made it look like a teaser advertisement.

Committing to what I envision the end shoot to look like was triumphant for me. Also, I realized so far that if you have a clear understanding and well-thought rationale within your shoot, you will be able to push through in the end!

It takes a Village!

After the shoot, We all realize a vital part of every success, is that It takes a village to make and execute a whole shoot. Everyone on the team plays an important role in the success of the shoot. I made sure to thank all the people behind my first one who gave their best effort. Especially my Mentor in Fashion Photography is none other than Mark Neto Diaz.

See Also

Model | Diovani Brunetto
Photographed by | Kurt Abonal
Mentor | Mark Neto Diaz
Creative Direction | January Saga Abad Friday
Assisted by | Mj Feliciano
Styling Instructor | Vhee Co
Styling Students of FIP byrosz and stylingbyrssimon
Makeup | Paige
Hair | Daniel Forro Hmua
Location | Prowess Supremacy Production Inc

Special thanks to Fashion Institute of the Philippines – Ortigas Main and Josh Austria

No copyright infringement intended, fashion inspiration only

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