Filipino singer Peter Rosalita enters America’s Got Talent’s Semi-Finals

Filipino singer Peter Rosalita becomes one of the first seven acts advancing to the semifinals of America’s Got Talent.
The announcement was made during AGT’s second live episode on Thursday. Aside from Peter, 1aChord, Gina Brillon, Jimmie Herrod, Dustin Tavella, Kabir Singh, and Madilyn Bailey were also moving to the next round of the competition.
On Wednesday, Rosalita once again impressed judges Heidi Klum, Sofia Vergara, Simon Cowell, and Howie Mandel. He belted out Whitney Houston’s I Have Nothing, showcasing his vocal power.
Heidi Klum expressed her awe after the young singer took the stage. She shared how her emotions get the best of her when the ten-year-old performs.
“You are amazing. You are absolutely amazing. You were talking about how happy you are when you sing. You make me so happy when I sit here hearing you sing. You are so dapper. I have to tell you, I was the biggest fan of Whitney Houston and you really just did her proud. It was amazing. Good for you.”
On the other hand, Sofia Vergara still could not believe where Rosalita’s voice is coming from.
“You’re so tiny but you have this voice that’s unbelievable. The way you commanded the stage tonight was breathtaking.”
As for the notorious judge Simon Cowell, he lauded Rosalita’s performance. However, he said he added how he wants to see him “do something younger” next time.
“In my opinion, you’re gonna sail through to the next round. When you do, choose a song next time that doesn’t feel like your mom has chosen it. Because you’re so good, so talented. I want to hear you do something younger next time. But don’t get me wrong. That was a fantastic performance.”
Lastly, Mandel commended how Rosalita was able to confidently walk out of the stage and sing his heart out.
“You are great, adorable. I love your suit. I love your style. What a professional. You are able to sing right through. The guy dropped a whole bag of confetti by accident and you still sang through.”