Cartoon Characters That I Relate To And Why

Although cartoons are usually directed toward kids, there are a lot of characters that I can see myself in. However, in various ways. Personally, cartoons have become lessons and relieve me from daily stressors. These cartoon characters appeal to me both physically, emotionally, and mentally. Even though they’re not human or they live in realities, I still feel connected to them.
Cartoon Characters That I Relate To And Why
Alex | Totally Spies

First off, Alex from Totally Spies. Together with friends and fellow spies, Sam and Clover, she works as a WOOHP agent and works under Jerry Lewis. I relate to this cartoon character the way her personality has a mixture between a tomboy and a girly girl.
Although I’m not really good at maintaining my fitness, I do love working out. However, just like Alex, I eat a lot and dream about living in a chocolate castle the same way she dreams about candy. Similar to her, I also have two friends who mirror Sam and Clover.
As the youngest member of our little friend group, I am also sometimes naive and absent-minded. Of course, in addition to being the youngest, I am also the most childish one. Despite my love of workouts and a few sports, I am clumsy and tend to put myself in very precarious situations.
For example, because of my clumsiness, I tend to get into accidents and almost injure myself to the point. My friend who mirrors Clover a lot would always remind me of the time I got my feet tangled up in a giant swing and almost fell down a cliff.
Buttercup | Powerpuff Girls

Just like Alex, I relate to Buttercup from Powerpuff Girls due to being the tomboy of the group. Of course, aside from that, she is the group’s tough member and is easily enraged.
Sometimes, similar to this cartoon character, my aggression gets the better of me, making me reckless and stubborn. Similar to Buttercup, I also possess a violent and mean streak, not displayed by my friends who mirror Blossom and Bubbles.
Out of Buttercup’s whole list of dislikes, just like her, one of my greatest dislikes involves around losing. I don’t like admitting defeat or admitting when I’m wrong. Plus, I’m also not good with math — as seen with Buttercup in one episode of the show.
Chel | The Road To El Dorado

Chel is cunning and clever. And, sometimes, I feel as though I relate to that. Because of this, I know that I am smart enough to do things without any set plan in mind. Just like her, I dream of leaving the place where I grew up and going on an adventure into other places.
Despite her cunning nature, she also values people for who they really are — not who they pretend to be. And, I try my best to do the same thing. Especially when getting to know the people in my life. Just like her, I strive to be brave and adventurous. And, only show my caring side to those who deserve it — especially around children and animals.
Velma | Scooby-Doo

There are little things that make Velma relatable to me. She can’t see without her glasses when I have clear eyesight and vision. Just like Velma, I have a fascination with mysteries. I love reading stories, watching ghost-hunting-centric YouTube videos, and falling into a rabbit hole of true-crime documentaries.
However, she is sharp-witted whereas I am a little bit slow when it comes to things I actually do not have a clue about. Similar to her, I am also sarcastic and do not tolerate an ounce of bullshit. Although she has conquered her phobia of clowns, I have not.
One of the things that make her relatable, on the other hand, includes being slightly insecure about her figure. She regularly diets and wears a huge sweater to cover up her figure. Currently, I am subscribed to a no-rice diet due to my self-consciousness about my weight.
Simba | Lion King

As a cub, Simba was quite adventurous. Just like him, I was the same way when I was younger. I highly admired my father the same way he regarded his, Mufasa. I wished to become just like him, spending much of my time learning more to be like my dad. Just like Simba, I sometimes have a brash and cocky attitude which leads me to troublesome situations.
When Simba witnessed his father’s death, his personality took a shift. Unfortunately, that’s also one of the things that make him relatable. I was eleven when my dad passed away. Although I didn’t witness it, I was one of the last people to ever hang out with him before he was rushed to the hospital.
My personality also took a shift. I started to feel unworthy and signs of my own insecurity remain evident. There are times when I become hesitant to ever face my past and handle my future. Hopefully, just like Simba, I can learn to become more confident and self-assured.
Tiana | The Princess and the Frog

Aside from having brown skin and black wavy hair, I believe I relate to this cartoon character in lots of ways. Tiana is an intelligent, resourceful, and highly talented young woman. Not to toot my own horn, I feel like I am, too. Just like her, I sometimes regret having a busy schedule.
However, my obsession with achieving my dreams overshadows this. My dreams, similar to hers, are inspired by my dad who believed that I can do anything that I set my mind upon. We both have a father that believed in us and strive to make them proud.
Kidagakash “Kida” Nedakh | Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Kida is a warrior princess which makes her physically strong and very skilled at combat. Despite not having any background in those skills, I believe that I am strong in many other ways.
Just like her, I can seem quite forceful, violent, and aggressive at times. However, this side of us only comes out when provoked. Despite that, I want to think that I also have a kind heart and general respect for everybody.
Monique | Kim Possible

Monique is the closest female friend and confidant of the titular cartoon character, Kim Possible. She serves as a conversation friend for subjects that Ron has no interest in or knowledge of. Just like her, I believe that I have a no-nonsense attitude — being efficient, direct, and quite tough.
Monique is very fashion conscious. And, of course, I believe that I am the same way. I even write fashion-centric articles here on Village Pipol, styling clothes in various ways. Aside from that, I love forcing people to address their own personality flaws, especially things I find self-damaging.
Daria Morgendorffer | Daria

The cartoon series was edgy and featured a subculture that television doesn’t usually explore. Just like her, I can understand how exhausting life can be. She would mention how she would rather be sleeping. Despite not being able to sleep easily, I know the importance of naps and sleep in general.
When I was younger, I wanted to fit in. However, as I grew up, I’ve learned to be okay with not fitting in. Daria doesn’t mind not fitting in and would even stay true to herself no matter what. Daria can see the flaws in society’s standards and I strive to do the same, especially when encouraging others to defy them.
Libby Folfax | The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron

As a cartoon character, Libby used to be a flat personality in this series. However, as the series progresses, she evolved into the group’s most sensible and levelheaded member. And, I can sometimes mirror that trait, especially at times of crisis — usually after I panic.
Just like her, I love being a great student and love being stylish. When she discovered she was related to Queen Hasabataslapya, she definitely mirrored her ancestor. Similar to her, when I found out that my family was descended from Indigenous Filipinos, I definitely started loving my culture and skin color even more.
Cartoon often incorporate modern problems in their works. This, of course, makes viewers empathize with the characters. At the end of the day, these cartoon characters are just people. Just like Shrek said, people have layers. And, that’s why I feel as if I can relate to them.

Angela Grace P. Baltan has been writing professionally since 2017. She doesn’t hesitate to be opinionated in analyzing movies and television series. Aside from that, she has an affinity for writing anything under the sun. As a writer, she uses her articles to advocate for feminism, gender equality, the LGBTQIA+ community, and mental health among others.