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Batang ’90s: Remembering Childhood Memories

Batang ’90s: Remembering Childhood Memories

The ’90s is known as the era of an infusion of new technological innovations, and manual sources of entertainment. This is the cue of the arrival of the year 2000, in which a lot of gadgets started to be invented. It’s really fascinating going back to the days when we didn’t mind paying bills, and all we’re crying about are just our wounds from playing. So if you’re a Batang ’90s, we have reflected on some of the childhood memories that we bet can bring nostalgia to you. 

Batang 90’s: Remembering childhood memories

Almost all of the kids back then still didn’t have a computer or any kind of gadgets, that’s why they spent their childhood playing outside. 

Some of the games they played with their neighbors are tumbang preso, patintero, piko, or agawan base. These games are played as a team, and we don’t mind playing them under the heat of the sun. Our sweats will drip down, and we’ll use our shirts to wipe them off. We love picking mangoes, kaimito (star apple), or santol (cotton fruit) from our neighbor’s tree, to eat. When lunchtime comes, our mothers would call us one by one to have lunch at home. Then after eating, a mandatory siesta should be done so you can play outside after sleeping. Now, we miss taking naps after lunch which we couldn’t do since we have jobs already.

We are also fond of watching Tagalog dubbed cartoons and anime in the morning, usually during, or after breakfast. I remember watching Slam dunk, Spongebob, Doraemon, and Dragonball Z with my cousins while eating our favorite snacks. 

One of the best memories as well is when our parents would take us to the malls, to eat Jollibee and play arcade. We will also sometimes go to the zoo, or to national parks to have a picnic with the family. 

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These simple things that we used to do before are what we all truly missed. The life without gadgets, and the life with more physical interactions with our loved ones. Just like what others say, “if we can just go back to those times”. However, it’s important to remember that we all didn’t take those times for granted. We also enjoyed having those memories before.

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