A Chronicle of a Graveyard Shifter
The sun set hours ago already, but my day will just start. Waking up at seven in the evening, the first thing I do is stare at my ceiling for, maybe, two minutes. Afterward, I will start to make my bed, pick up my bath towel and start taking a shower. The cold water wakes up my soul, making me extra ready to begin the day, or should I say night? Nonetheless, this is a chronicle of a graveyard shifter.
At first, I was hesitant to work on this schedule. The first reason is that there is a lot of danger that could happen during night time, some of which are situations we can’t imagine. Next, transportation may be a hindrance since I was living in the province before. However, since my independent self really wanted to make her own living, I decided to just rent a dormitory. This is just a five-minute walk away from my work site, a convenient way for me to save money from commuting.
Being on a graveyard shift is hard.
The world may require your time during the day because that’s what most people’s lifestyles are. Friends may message you in the morning, and you will just be able to reply at night once you wake up. It may also be hard for you to sleep when the sun is at its peak. You can be immune to caffeine, and coffee may not let you stay alert anymore. During rest days, you may experience insomnia at night, but you have to be awake in the morning for appointments. It’s hard to make people understand that your day starts at seven. Lastly, it’s hard to remove those black bags under our sleepy eyes.
Meanwhile, what’s good about being on a graveyard shift is the fact that I got to know that I am capable of doing such a demanding job. There may be a little doubt when I first started, but all of those vanished when I started to enjoy my work. I now appreciate the silence of nights with the accompaniment of my colleagues.