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5 Positive Affirmations I Tell Myself When I’m in Doubt

5 Positive Affirmations I Tell Myself When I’m in Doubt

Those who have known me longest have the strongest impression that I am a self-reliant, confident lady who does things the way she sees fit. However, there are times when my strength fails me. There are times when I doubt my ability and feel that I am not good enough.

There are many what-ifs and could-have-beens on my mind. Sometimes, it even drowns out my own voice. Fortunately, I’ve realized that the most effective way to overcome self-doubt is to do or say something positive for yourself. To that end, below are a few positive affirmations I tell myself whenever I doubt myself and my skills in the hopes that they will also be helpful to you.

“I belong in this world; many people care about me and my worth.”

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When we are feeling down, it’s easy to forget that many people care about and love us. We tend to think that we are alone and get affected by what people say about us. There will always be haters, distractors, and naysayers, but know that you have a place in this world regardless of what others say. Constantly repeating this positive affirmation helps me be reminded of my worth and stay focused.

“Happiness is a choice; today I choose to be happy.”

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Choosing happiness is a constant effort because, in all honesty, it’s not something that just happens. We will have to keep working to have and maintain an optimistic outlook. Like anyone, I have struggled a lot—school, family, and life in general— that have beaten my mental health and happiness down. However, along the way, I’ve learned that these problems should not define me or how I view the world. So, I always choose to be happy while solving my (99+) problems. Happiness is a choice. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.

[Editor’s Note: However, sometimes, happiness is not a choice—there are times that even when you want to feel better, you just can’t. There are instances that make you feel bad or sad, and that’s okay. Just sit with your feelings and sort it out. Eventually, you will feel okay. It’s fine to think positive but never invalidate your feelings.]

“In the face of self-doubt and uncertainty, I choose to trust myself and be grateful.”

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When we worry about things not going as planned or feel uncertain about outcomes over which we have little control, we question ourselves and our abilities. True enough, I always thought I was just below average and not good at anything whenever things did not go as planned. But over the years, I have learned to trust myself and my abilities; and just be grateful.

To stay motivated, I have to trust in myself and be grateful for my successes, no matter how big or small. In the face of self-doubt and uncertainty, I choose to trust myself and be thankful; and constantly repeating this keeps my mind in the present and lets me focus on the positives.

“I am strong. I am bold. I am fearless”

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My best friend often asks me about what it’s like to be bold, independent, and fearless. And I always tell them that it takes time to accept your fears and stand hard against them. I wasn’t born with a strong heart and a fearless personality, but I taught myself to be one. (Or maybe, I got it from my mom)

At first, I was afraid to undertake things alone because I feared rejection and failure. My immediate instinct was usually, “No, I can’t do it,” but through the years, I’ve learned to do things scared until I get to face my fears head-on. I still get scared, but that’s how I find the courage to do things independently.

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“I can achieve anything I set my mind to.”

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The phrase to live by. It’s a common phrase that when I was younger, I thought it was mostly a lie because it was impossible to achieve everything “I set my mind to.” But when I thought about it too much, I learned what it meant and stopped taking it literally.

Absolutely, we can do anything we set our minds to. However, it takes time. We must first learn to get out of our comfort zone, stop doubting ourselves, and take action. Work hard to get what our hearts and mind want. Don’t settle for a crappy life.

Each day begins with me saying one of these encouraging mantras to myself. I do more than just talk; I have to take action because I’ll get nowhere sitting around. For more, you can read “Do It Scared: Finding the Courage to Face Your Fears, Overcome Adversity, and Create a Life You Love” by Ruth Soukup. The book helped me get through my own self-doubt.

It’s common to have doubts about one’s abilities, but these positive affirmations I tell myself when I’m in doubt might help you, too. So, I hope that by reading this article, you’ll be able to go over your own! Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

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