The pros and cons of my reading obsession

One may say that reading can only provide you with positive effects. However, I beg to differ. Although reading is extremely beneficial, obsession is still something we ought to control. While it is true that the benefits outnumber the disadvantages, it doesn’t mean it should be brushed aside.
As an obsessed reader of any genre, here are a few pros and cons that I have observed that should be considered:
It can improve vocabulary.
You know a reader when you talk to one. Becoming obsessed with reading means you are bound to be labeled as a walking dictionary. You know words that most people don’t. Reading books inevitably exposes you to a bazillion of words! Thus, having in your arsenal countless words that would bring variety when you express yourself through writing or speaking. Since you’ve read so much, you’ll encounter words that sometimes you don’t even need to know the meaning of in order to understand them in a sentence. Your experience helps you understand these foreign vocabularies.

It helps develop your personality.
An obsessed reader has been so exposed to countless characters and circumstances that eventually lead them to learn how to adapt to these situations. Reading enhanced my perspective on life. My views were not entirely shaped by my own family or environment. It was through reading that I found out my preferences and develop discipline and outlook in life. Reading makes you your ideal person. At least, that’s how it was for me. My only regret is not starting sooner. I could have been a better version of myself had I developed earlier in life my love of reading.

Reading takes you places.
When I say reading will take you places, I meant literally and figuratively. It’s undeniable that reading enhances our brain capacity. Therefore, it is not a reach to conclude that most avid readers are smarter than average people. And smart people are in demand everywhere. Reading makes you smart, and that intelligence will take you places. A reader travels not just one world but ventures into any world imaginable. Reading will take you places that can only be possible through rich imagination. A reader is a traveler, and does who do not read are stuck in such dull reality.

Time essentially flies away.
You burn time by reading too much. It’s addicting and difficult to stop. You won’t stop at one more chapter, stop lying to yourself. When you should have been sleeping, you’re losing precious time to rest because a chapter is not enough to satisfy you. When you should have been socializing, you’re reading a book you’ve just recently discovered. Books can wait, but the time you lost can never be turned back. Although I said it burns time, reading addiction can actually burn money too. Books are not cheap, even eBooks are worth as much. Obsessive reading means compulsive buying. Take it easy on spending and really think about where your money should be spent.
Reading can increase health risks.
Reading obsession means you have a hard time controlling your urge to read. This prolonged activity can actually induce several health risks, namely; eye strain, headaches, obesity, and more. It is not to say that reading can actually cause obesity. It is the sedentary lifestyle you cater to when you’re too obsessed with reading. That’s the one that will welcome such health risks. In the worst-case scenario, this might even lead to diabetes or heart problems. It’s not an overstatement for readers to be perceived as someone wearing glasses. Especially readers that are fond of eBooks. The lengthened eye activity caused by reading can result in eye strain. Reading obsession can actually put your health at risk.
You might lose interest.
Because you’ve read too much, it’s now difficult for you to find happiness in most works. You would naturally develop an interest in certain genres and there will be times when you’ll run out of fun stuff to read. While reading in itself is pleasurable, once you’ve read too much, even a good book can become bland and you’ll lose your enthusiasm and love for the genre. You’ll just finish reading for the sake of completion, not satisfaction.
Reading is advisable for everyone. However, similar to most things, too much of it can become destructive. Reading is not bad, even so, obsession with it is alarming. One should learn to pace themselves and enjoy the satisfaction contained in those several pages.

Cristine Joy is a broadcasting major with a deep passion and obsession for reading and writing. She's the type of person that would lie to herself saying "one last chapter is all I need for a good night's sleep" then proceeds to finish the whole story until dawn. Her tenacity is what makes her believe that writing is not simply just a talent, rather it's a skill that one can continuously improve upon practice.