Why quitting is not always a bad thing

Perhaps, we all think at some point in our life that quitting is for losers. That is, until we get in the same situation and realize how it is not a bad thing after all. Sometimes, quitting can be the best option you can do, not because you accepted defeat but you know it’s time to leave.
That’s why I want to remind you to stop living for someone else. Start living your own life, quit things that hinder your growth. Choose where you feel alive, calm, and happy.
As we grow up, we learned that quitting is not an option. Even though things get hard, you stay no matter what. We hold to that kind of motivation without realizing that it causes damage and discouragement. Yet, sometimes, it is okay to quit and stop living with others expectations.
I realized this when I turned 20. People around me always say quitters never win. They are the people who don’t have high dreams and hopes. Yet, I’ve understood that it does not always go that way. I quit, but I still win. Instead of losing, I win myself back. Peace and joy begin to return in my life. Everything went well and great things come. Hence, I can say quitting is not bad like what we know.
It is probably because you’ll never get what’s really for you if you keep holding on to something. You have to quit in order to start again. Sometimes it’s the right thing you can give to yourself. Choosing yourself over anything, shutting down others voices to hear your own. Also, put an end to the habit of pleasing and seeking others validation.
I want to leave this quote to you and know how beautiful endings can be.
“All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.” ― Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Micah Balbin is a student journalist from Cavite State University. She's here to explore and enjoy the world of writing. Believes that you don't need to fit yourself in the standard of society. You were born to stand out in your ways.