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What Souring Agent makes the Sourest Sinigang?

What Souring Agent makes the Sourest Sinigang?

Many Filipinos may consider adobo a top choice for the country’s national dish. However, sinigang can also be a rightful candidate for this category. And, speaking of sinigang, what souring agent do you think makes the sourest sinigang.

What Souring Agent makes the Sourest Sinigang?

I have tried many variations of sinigang, with different types of protein and a set of vegetables. For convenience, many would use an artificial souring agent, Knorr Sinigang Mix. But that wouldn’t be on our list today because we would be focusing on the natural fruits and vegetables used to make a sour sinigang.


The Tamarind fruit pulp is the most common souring agent used by many Filipinos. It is easier to find among markets and boiled before adding to the broth. Tamarinds contain ingredients that could have laxative effects and help fight against some bacteria. It also offers anti-diabetic effects. However, I don’t consider it the souring agent that makes the sourest sinigang.


Guava, when ripe, can be eaten as is. But it can also be used as a souring agent in sinigang, especially when they are a little raw. This fruit is an excellent source of fiber that may benefit your digestive system. It also contains vitamin C, which help boosts your immunity.

Image from Simpol

When using it as a souring agent, once your guavas are over-riped, they wouldn’t give you much of the sourness you’re looking for. But instead, a sweet kind of kick to your dish.


This fruit is the largest citrus fruit that you can find here in the Philippines. It is a little hard to peel, and its skin is thick. As a souring agent, pomelo or suha, didn’t perform well because it didn’t give me the sourness I was aiming for. I would rather eat it as a fruit than as a souring agent since it’s rich in antioxidants and could help fight cancer cells.

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Sinigang sa Batwan

Many people may not have heard of this fruit and may have not even used it to make their sinigang sour. That is because its trees only grow around the Islands of Panay and Negros.

Image from PinasGift

However, this is famous among Ilonggos as they use it in a dish called KBL (Kadyos, Baboy, Langka). Batwan is hard to catch in the markets; that’s why only a few people could’ve eaten it or used it for sinigang. Yet it provided a clean and very sour broth for my sinigang recipe. Perfect for Bangus belly sinigang and beef ribs.

There are a lot more souring agents that you could try, like green mangoes, kamias, santol, and calamansi, depending on what level of sourness you are aiming for. In conclusion, Sinigang is a dish that you could always explore the flavors of and customize because Philippine cuisine has a lot to offer.

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