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Top Tips on How to Win Clients

Top Tips on How to Win Clients

When you are trying to progress in business, it may feel like you are constantly chasing hot leads but, in the end, all you are left with is wasted effort and time. There is nothing quite as frustrating as putting so much time and effort into something only to get nothing back and likely being none the wiser about why it didn’t all come together. Don’t worry. Everybody gets this feeling. But it does not need to be a lasting one. Here is a little advice on how you can win clients and continue to grow your business by just tweaking a few methods.


It may seem a little cheesy or over the top but sending gifts to a prospective client is a great way to start a burgeoning relationship. After at least your first meeting with them, find out what they like then think about sending some custom-branded corporate gifts. One thing you need to accept is that this will not always work. Don’t let this get you down. These gifts are an investment and if you can nail down something that is thoughtful and a call back to your conversation, then the prospective client will be much more likely to use your services even if you aren’t offering the best price.

Make sure they are worth the chase

When a lead first comes up it can be easy to get carried away. You may feel like the best thing to do is try and get a contract drawn up and signed as quickly as possible. However, this may be the way that you scare your clients away and look a little desperate in the process. As well as selling yourself to the client, they need to sell themselves to you. Make sure to think about whether this client is a good fit for you as well as vice versa. This will help you from wasting your time with clients that are not for you.

Demonstrate value quickly

The best way for any company to gain and keep any clients they have is to prove value as soon as they possibly can. This does not mean rushing any large projects to please them but delivering on small projects quickly. If you have the opportunity, take the initiative on some projects and deliver them as soon as possible. If you can show that you go above and beyond, particularly on early projects then you may win a client for a significant amount of time.

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Look for your niche

Look through your clients and see if you can spot a pattern. If one emerges then it may be that you have found your niche and where your skills excel. Once you have this, you can start marketing yourself to those particular clients. It will hopefully weed out any waste of time projects.

Winning clients

Sometimes it can just feel like you are facing a wall of rejection all of the time. However, you may just be looking in the wrong place. Spend time finding clients that suit you. Not everything you try will work but you will find your niche eventually.

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