Top 5 Career Paths For HUMSS Students

For HUMSS students out there, check out the possible career paths you can pursue after your senior high studies. One of the strands in the Academic Tracks specializes for Senior High students in Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand. A type of strand designed focuses on liberal arts, community development, and social behavior.
This track aims to prepare senior high students in communication arts, media literacy, and social sciences fields in college Most of these courses revolve around interaction with people. Also, HUMSS strands focus on improving students’ research, writing, reading, and speaking skills. More on people, communication, and being globally competent.
If you’re ready to take the world, here are the possible careers for a HUMSS student like you!
This profession focuses more on planning, engaging, and making creative lesson plans that encourage the students to learn and absorb learning in different subjects. They have the ability to shape future leaders in the best way for society. To build positive and inspired future generations both on local and global state.

Future educators take up a four-year degree in college and then a major in the specialization they want to focus on. If you want to have the power to change lives by educating the future leaders of this society, then this is perfect for you.
Another successful career for HUMSS students is being a journalist. More than writing about relevant issues they also work on media-related activities, story pitching, and tv broadcasting. Moreover, they also interview sources and monitor social media.

Being a journalist is also being a researcher and effective storyteller and if you are into that, this profession is best for you. Taking a degree in mass communication is for future media professionals to hone their journalistic skills.
Being a lawyer is one of the most challenging yet fulfilling careers to take. Their main duties are to uphold the law while protecting a client’s right and to carry out their duties, which they should understand the law and be an effective communicator.

Preparing factual arguments, reviewing documents, and can either prosecute or defend their clients in court, is what lawyers do. Moreover, they also provide legal advice on issues.
Future lawyers usually take up political science, philosophy, or psychology as their pre-law courses, then after that law school, then lastly bar examination. If you love law and are ready for the challenge, being a lawyer is a career for you.
A psychologist is a perfect career for students who wants a better understanding of humans and to address mental health ailments and issues. They also study how human behavior is affected by one’s environment and upbringing.

If you are a type of HUMSS student that has a strong advocate for mental health and human well-being, this is best for you. By taking a psychology major as a degree you can achieve this profession.
The social work profession is all about devoting themself to helping vulnerable people and communities through challenges they face in everyday life. Social workers are committed to advocating and improving the lives of people, families, and society. For future social workers, taking up a four-year degree in social work in college will help them to pursue this job.

There are still many HUMSS-related careers that are suitable for the skills and knowledge you have. If you are interested in taking one of the career paths in the future, HUMSS will prepare your path. I hope that this article helps you to choose your own career and make your own path in this world. Padayon!

Bea is a highly motivated working girl by day and a certified K-pop fan by night. Telling stories creatively is her goal and public service is what she loves. She loves pizza more than anything and is obsessed with 80s movies. She believes in a quote from Forrest Gump “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never what you’re gonna get”.