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Tips for the Upcoming Hybrid Class Setup

Tips for the Upcoming Hybrid Class Setup

Classes have already started for some of the students. For others, the opening of classes is near especially for all college students. As the pandemic eases, the reopening of schools and universities has come to fruition for this academic year. With that, here are some tips for students who will undergo a hybrid mode of learning for the academic year 2022-2023. 

Utilize Hybrid Setup

The online mode could potentially be over. As we gradually transition to a face-to-face setup, it is most likely that we will go back to the normal way we used to. However, let’s not discredit the fact that the online mode of learning has also benefited us in many ways. 

We have discovered many essential things when we are in the online mode of learning. As we transition to a hybrid mode of learning, some essential things in the online mode can be carried along the way. 

For instance, online storage like Google Drive and the like can be used to store modules for all subjects. Online meeting tools like Google Meet, Zoom, and other tools can be used to conduct a meeting at any time and anywhere. Students can also use online sites in their favor while in a face-to-face setup to study more efficiently. 

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Wakey Wakey

Unfortunately, you can not do the same routine of waking up at 7 am to attend your 7 am class in the online mode of learning. Humans can not fly to their destination nor the students. 

As the face-to-face classes are here, traveling would come into use once again. Living in the Philippines, traffic has been a common part of Filipino daily commuters. With that, additional time must be allotted especially when you are coming from afar. In the Philippines, timing is very unpredictable due to the current state of our public transportation.

See Also

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It is Better to be Safe

The COVID-19 pandemic is still around us. As we move to transition to a hybrid mode of learning, it is still important to be cautious and safe at all times. Remember, the virus is still around us. It may not affect you but it can affect the people near you. 

Always remember to wear your mask properly, especially in crowded areas. Commuting and also inside the campus may be risky thus it is important to wear it properly. Also, always bring your own alcohol and other sanitizing kits near you to disinfect from time to time. Lastly, multiple recorded student-related crimes appeared in the Philippines lately. Be wary and stay vigilant of your surroundings and always remember to keep in touch with your relatives at all times. 

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Health and wellness are equally important to our education. As we once again enter the doors of learning through a hybrid way, let us all be reminded to take care of ourselves during this time of the pandemic. Nurture our skills and mind through education. As youths, we are the future of our nation. 

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