The Struggles of Having No Laptop as a College Student

In today’s world, gadgets and technology are essential. Being a college student without a laptop is difficult, especially now that classes are held online rather than face-to-face. In addition, you have no idea what to do and sometimes feel hopeless despite having the courage and diligence to do work.
No Laptop Struggles

A laptop is required for college students because it is primarily used for completing assignments and activities. Although a student may have a phone, having a laptop is far more important when doing school work. In addition, specific tools or applications can only access through a laptop.
College students who do not own this device find it challenging to complete assigned tasks on time. Because how can they begin their activities if the most crucial piece of equipment they need is a laptop? As a result, they have no choice but to spend money renting a computer. It’s even more difficult since computer shops aren’t always available and accessible.

College students have their research papers, and it is not easy to write, search, and edit their work solely on their phones. In addition, in most cases, what you do on the phone does not correspond to what you see on your laptop. Also, doing an internship or on-the-job training is a requirement for a college student to graduate. However, since the pandemic, these activities are now done online. Therefore, having a laptop is essential equipment to help them finish their assigned tasks. With that, no laptop available concerns college students.

Borrowing a device is also problematic because not everyone is willing to lend you. Laptops are expensive, and not everyone can purchase one. So, it is understandable that they take care of the device and have second thoughts about letting someone borrow from them.
Students who do not have a laptop may struggle during group, or individual reporting because sharing one’s screen is necessary. Although you may still use your phone to do this, it is much more hassle than having to present it on a laptop. Furthermore, creating a PowerPoint presentation on a laptop is preferable to doing it on the phone. Also, the phone font size is too small and challenging to read.

Furthermore, students who cannot acquire a laptop may end up envying those privileged to own one. Students who do not have access to better resources are more likely to become tired, sad, and unmotivated. So I’m hoping they’ll find and discover things to keep them motivated.
However on the other side, if you do not have a laptop, do not be shy to seek assistance from others. As advice, you can write down all of your thoughts on paper and then type them later to save time! Everyone faces challenges in life, but these challenges will not prevent us from achieving our goals!

She is an aspiring individual who loves to share her thoughts and feelings through writing. She aims to be able to make use of her knowledge and skill-sets to their full potential and, at the same time, acquire new learnings throughout her journey of self-growth and discovery.