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Simbang Gabi: Why Filipinos Complete The 9-Day Special Masses

Simbang Gabi: Why Filipinos Complete The 9-Day Special Masses

In the Philippines, Filipinos start feeling the Christmas spirit as early as the BER months quickly approach. This is an indicator for Filipino to start their custom tradition as Christmas is on the way.

This includes shopping for Christmas gifts, decorating houses, and building Christmas trees. Additionally, Filipino Catholics will also take the challenge of attending all nine dawn services in the next few months. These nine masses are called simbang gabi.

Photo | Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg

The simbang gabi serves as an indicator for the kicking off of Christmas day. Many Filipinos strongly adhere to the custom of completing these masses. Consequently, some of them even tend to visit their local churches and other nearby churches just to attend. 

In line with this, what could be the primary reason why Filipino rigorously attend the simbang gabi? What keeps their desire to complete despite early morning awakening? 

Simbang Gabi: A Filipino Christmas Tradition

Simbang Gabi is also known by its Spanish name Misa de Gallo or Mass of the Rooster. This tradition dates back since 1668 when religious missionaries from Mexico introduced it to the Philippines. Basically, this consists of a series of early-morning masses held nine days before Christmas.

Photo | Michael Peronce

Simbang Gabi usually starts from December 15 to 23 at night or on December 16 to 24 at dawn. Moreover, the term Simbang Gabi is used to refer to the period between December 16 and December 23. Meanwhile, December 24, is known as Misa De Gallo, as it is the final day of this Christmas novena vigil and mass.

Praying for a Wish to be Granted

As this tradition keeps on going, many Filipinos attach beliefs to Simbang Gabi. One of these is the belief that Simbang Gabi will make your wish come true. 

Photo | Michael Peronce

In this belief, many people think that the fulfillment of a wish can be achieved by completely finishing the masses. Employing this, one must not miss out on any of the nine-day special masses. Therefore, some Filipinos made it their life’s mission to attend the simbang gabi for their wishes to be granted. 

I remember when I was younger, like other Filipinos, I am committed to strictly attending the nine-predawn masses. I hold the same belief that the completion will grant my wishes. However, today, I see this as more of a custom where this belief leads more Catholics to go to churches. And I think that this is very beneficial in attracting people, especially the younger ones, to get to hear the words of God. 

On top of that, there’s no wrong in having and holding onto these beliefs. In fact, personal requests can be totally prayed during simbang gabi. However, we must give thanks first to God for allowing us to have the life that we are enjoying right now. 

See Also

Safeguarding the Faith

The Filipino tradition of Simbang Gabi expresses gratitude to God for everything. We keep this tradition alive because of our credence and faith in our savior. Additionally, the pure act of offering prayer keeps us connected with God. Thus, it serves as our guide as we walk through our life. 

Photo | Mary Ann Recare

Most Filipinos adhere to Simbang Gabi to commemorate the Blessed Virgin Mary. However, Pope Sixtus V added new purposes for the occasion. These consist of:

  1. Exalting and glorifying the Holy mother church,
  2. Spreading the holiness of the Catholic faith, and
  3. Preservation of the true religion among the newly baptized indigenous.

Nowadays, people observe simbang gabi for the same motives. In addition, this keeps the persistence of the Filipino people in upholding their faith and sustaining the sacred religion.

A Reminder to all Filipinos

The true value of Simbang Gabi outweighs the fact that it is just a custom. In fact, it’s more than just a tradition. Additionally, this special mass highlights a piece of history that allowed people to see the significance of Christmas and the Mass. Through this, we know these concepts go beyond the material things, and faith, above all, shall prosper. 

All around the world, Simbang Gabi connects communities with one another. It was the time when people of all ages would attend church to pray for God. And lastly, Simbang Gabi continuously gives a clear picture of the Filipinos’ profound devotion to Catholicism.

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