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Selsun Blue addresses your dandruff problem and its pesky symptoms

Selsun Blue addresses your dandruff problem and its pesky symptoms

For many, having dandruff is a deep secret that makes them lose confidence in meeting and talking to people. 

Dandruff, a problem caused by many, can result in people living in fear of wearing dark colors because flakes are very visible on these clothes. Dandruff can also be physically uncomfortable as it can cause dryness and itching.

Getting rid of dandruff is not a one-time thing. Like skincare, scalp care needs to be consistent in order for it to work.

Keep your scalp healthy and dandruff-free with these tips:

Manage your stress

Stress doesn’t necessarily cause dandruff, but it can aggravate triggers of symptoms like itching and dryness.

What can help you manage stress is a balanced diet and relaxation activities and techniques such as yoga, talking a walk, and meditation.

Boost your immune system

Moreover, dandruff may become worse when you’re sick.

Make sure you are always strong and healthy by boosting your immune system with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and keeping up with all recommended vaccines.

Leave on your shampoo for a bit longer

When you’re using an anti-dandruff shampoo like Selsun Blue, leave the shampoo on for 3-5 minutes, depending on the severity of your dandruff to give the ingredients time to work.

Consult a board-certified dermatologist

If your dandruff remains persistent even after you’ve exhausted all means to manage it, maybe it’s time to consult a board-certified dermatologist.

Also, a doctor can make a professional diagnosis as sometimes, what appears to be dandruff isn’t what it seems to be and prescribe stronger treatments. 

Choose the right shampoo

Selsun Blue is a line of anti-dandruff shampoos formulated with Selenium Sulfide 1%, an ingredient which attacks the root source of dandruff.

It is clinically proven for effective dandruff control with laboratory tests proving it controls dandruff and its recurrence.

The shampoo comes in two variants.

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The 2-in-1 softens and moisturizes the hair with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin B5.

The other one with menthol helps control scalp itching.

Both variants contain extract of natural French Honey to restore hair and scalp hydration for long-lasting moisturization. 

Selsun Blue Pro-X Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Extra Strength with Menthol
Selsun Blue Pro Anti-Dandruff Shampoo 2-in-1 with Conditioner 120ml

It is meant to be used twice a week.

Get your own bottle of Selsun Blue and see the difference in the way it helps you manage dandruff. 

Lastly, visit the Mentholatum Flagship Store on Shopee and check out Selsun Blue’s special 10.10 deals.

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