Scars: A lifetime symbol of courage

When you hear the word “scars”, what comes first into your mind? Is it a healed wound? A mark left because of a damaged skin or what? In this article, we are going to view your scars as a lifetime symbol of you taking courage to end the battles you are facing.
In our everyday life, it is normal to encounter different forms of problems. It can be easy but it can also be difficult to solve. However, experiencing these instances only entails that we are being challenged and that we are trying. In short, we are encouraged to think, to fight, to win but, it doesn’t end there as for the reasons that some problems may leave you scars. It may be visible or not, but you will always bring it all throughout the years.
Scars: A lifetime symbol of courage
Humans sometimes sees scars as an ugly representation of their past. But, if we are going to look at it in a deeper context, scars are a reminder that we survived.

One example of it is when an individual experiences a physical accident, burn, injury, surgery and many more. We are aware that after a week or a month of undergoing medication, wounds may heal but the scars won’t fade.

Aside from it, humans also get scars emotionally. This one is obviously invisible, by which means it is easy to hide yet too hard to forget.

However, scars isn’t always ugly since they’re as beautiful as a human being. One way to justify that is the phrase “embrace your flaws”. Remember that when a person starts to love a thing they feel makes them unique, that’s the time where everything will change.
Scars may be interpreted in different words, but it differs to who wants to see it. Mostly, people become blind to it but surely, scars comes after when a human takes courage.
Always remember that it may leave us a mark but that mark will serve as a reminder that we made it. We made it to another day, another week, month and even a year.
Scars are something to celebrate, not to hide and not to be insecure of. It’s normal and it makes us who we are. We are learning because we are evolving, let’s accept that and let us take courage to give ourselves the life that we deserve.

Nathalie Shien is a 4th year BUeño taking a degree in Journalism under the Department of Print and Broadcast Media at the College of Arts and Letters. She is a well motivated individual who finds writing as one of her favorite things to do. It is her past time hobby to write literary works such as poems, short stories and many more. Aside from this, she loves to talk with people, socialize with them as she saw that it is a great help to understand someone's story. Besides, her desire to become a great writer improved as she joined their school-based organization namely as Bicol Organization of Neo-Journalists (BONJour).