Relatives You Do Not Want to Meet in a Family Reunion

Can you feel Christmas knocking at your doors? How about family reunions?
Since Christmas calls for strings of fun gatherings, it only feels right to talk about family reunions. But instead of breaking down the whole family gathering, we will focus on the word “family.” More specifically, I will introduce some relatives that you wish will not be present at your next family reunion. For sure, a particular relative will come to your mind once we go along the list.
Of course, a family reunion is very important to keep the family ties closer, stronger, and harmonious. Besides, you can meet family members you have not seen for a long time or since you were born. No doubt, a family reunion is a joyous gathering you will never want to miss. However, certain relatives might make you rethink your attendance at the party. To meet them, here goes the list of the relatives you do not want to meet at your family reunion.
The Conversational Narcissists
Conversational narcissistic relatives talk too much about themselves and only limit the scope of the conversation to topics they know. These kinds of relatives barely ask questions about the person they are talking to. Instead, they ask questions that will eventually lead the conversation back to them and make themselves the center of it. Perhaps you can start a conversation with them, but do not expect that you will be talking a lot. Seems like your family reunion will be about them.

The Gossipers
Contrary to the first one, the gossiper relatives take pleasure in talking about other people’s business. Whatever flavor you desire, these types of relatives will serve you as many teas as possible. Now, that sounds great…at first. However, you have to remember that they often focus on the negative side of the people or stories. For sure, you do not want to have a serving of toxicity from appetizer to dessert.

The Enemy
Family reunions serve as the perfect occasion to socialize and create wonderful memories with your family and relatives. However, if you see a relative who has bad blood with you, that would be very upsetting and awkward. For sure, even the thought of seeing that relative might make you wish they just skipped the party. On the other hand, maybe the best way to fix the feud is at a family reunion. Who wants beef if there is a mouthwatering Lechon at the center of the table, right?

The Interrogators
These relatives grill you with way too many questions about the information you prefer not to disclose. Of course, the effort to include you in the conversation and acknowledge your presence is a great thing. However, they bombard you to the point where you cannot even glance at that lumpia on your plate anymore. Truly, this is a difficult situation to be in—be interrogated with sensitive questions while eating soggy lumpia.

Christmas is indeed coming to town and family reunions are bound to happen. So, let us remind ourselves to be respectful, sensitive, and grateful. Most of all, do not forget to have fun during the holiday season!

Jane always wants to be in the know. Aside from writing, she takes pleasure in listening to music and watching films, series, and documentaries. She loves many things but creativity is on the top of her list.