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Reasons Why Filipinos Do Not Want The COVID-19 Vaccine

Reasons Why Filipinos Do Not Want The COVID-19 Vaccine

Pulse Asia conducted a survey from February 22 to March 3, 2021. They asked 2,400 Filipino adults how they feel about the COVID-19 situation. According to the results, 94% of them feel concerned that either they or their family members would get infected. Most of these respondents have the awareness of vaccines being developed. However, 61% of them don’t necessarily trust it.

COVID-19 Vaccine

3 Reasons Why Filipinos Do Not Want The COVID-19 Vaccine

The vaccine’s safety and side effects. 

84% Filipinos cite that the vaccine may not be safe and would have tons of side effects. A lot of them have yet to take a step to feeling convinced on taking the COVID-19 vaccine. They believe that these vaccines still remain on trials. Aside from that, they also pointed out that manufacturers doesn’t guarantee that the vaccines won’t have long-term side effects. Although that remains the case, they don’t plan on closing the doors to getting vaccinated.

Aside from that, fake news that spread around social media fueled this fear. The number of groups and accounts spreading much of the misinformation remains relatively small. However, it continues to make other pro-vaccination people feel hesitant. Aside from that, anti-vaccine people also skew the science as they reject studies that do not fit their views. Of course, they would only latch onto studies and experts that support them.

The preferred brands.

However, those who want to get the vaccine have brands that wish to go for due to different reasons. Currently, the most preferred came from US drug-maker Pfizer with 52% of the interviewees choosing it. 22% of respondents, on the other hand, remain in favor of Sinovac vaccine.

Aside from that, 1% of those willing to get vaccinated from these brands. AstraZeneca (6%), Gamaleya Research Institute (3%), Johnson & Johnson (1%), Sinopharm (1%), and Moderna (1%). Meanwhile, upon talking to other people, they expressed how they would get whatever brand offered to them. Of course, this comes as long as they help do their part in stopping the spread of the deadly virus.

COVID-19 Vaccine

The mandatory donations.

AstraZeneca required Philippine firms to donate to the government half of the doses they would procure. This came from an official leading the inoculation strategy on Tuesday, March 23. According to chief implementer of the National Task Force Against COVID-19 Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr., AstraZeneca’s corporate principles include “equitable” and “non-privileged” access to its vaccine. This means that the purpose of the private sector comes to balance. 50% of what it buys will be given to the targeted population of the public sector.

Village Pipol Instagram Followers Tell Us Their Stance:


Ronyl (@ronylgdc) and Bernadette (@mariebernadette_) wants to help their immune system fight back and lessen the impact of the virus on their bodies. Leslie (@freshlikeleslie) says he wants to take the vaccine. He cites that he wants to overcome COVID-19, the same way we overcome polio, measles, and others. Sam (@esemdeaye), as well as many others, just wants their life back.

Although he wants to get vaccinated, Guilly (@guillyvalenzuela) acknowledged the people’s fear. He pointed out that a lot of people are afraid, citing the Dengvaxia’s politicization before. Kristene (@krsteene), on the other hand, noted that this comes as a moral obligation for her. Not just for her own safety, but for her family as well. April (@aprilservento), on the other hand, wants to protect herself and others from the virus.

As an immunocompromised person, Alyza (@nicolebaltan) wants to take the vaccine to protect herself. Aside from that, she also wants to protect her family from potentially getting infected since she works onsite. Even when immunocompromised, she still works onsite to continue keeping the job.

NO, and undecided

Meanwhile, Nicole (@98nikolee) remains undecided. She took note that these vaccines became available too quickly. The side effects worry her and she wants to avoid it. Aside from that, it seems as if the vaccine are still on trial. She pointed out that she didn’t want to be considered as a lab rat.

How about you? Do you want to take the COVID-19 vaccine? Let us know!

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