Ogie Alcasid donates Star Wars collectibles to help raise funds for mass testing

More celebrities have been showing support to Angel Locsin’s fundraising efforts for affected communities in this time of pandemic. Just recently, the award-winning actress, together with other local celebrities, revived an old fundraising project, “Shop and Share”, to purchase test kits for COVID-19. OPM icon Ogie Alcasid is one of the artists who is willing to help raise funds.
Last May 22, in order to help support, Ogie shared on his Instagram that he is letting go of his precious toy collectibles for a good cause. The award-winning singer-actor shared that it took him 24 years to amass the collection.
He shared photos of hundreds of toys, some still in their boxes, of highly coveted collections from Star Wars, DC, Marvel, and classic Japanese characters like Mazinger Z and Daimos.
“Been collecting these for over 24 years. Time to let go of most toys so someone else may take care of them and at the same time people will be tested for Covid. Just helping an angel with her advocacy. Go @therealangellocsin”
“Shop and Share” was launched in 2009 to help those who were affected by Typhoon Ondoy. Actors, singers, and even basketball players donated personal items. These include designer bags, clothes, jerseys, and jewelry. All items were then auctioned off on Ebay, with all the proceeds going to the Philippine Red Cross.