Melissa Gohing shares inspiration behind her online plant shop

Indoor plants are taking the spotlight during the quarantine as most of us have more spare time inside our houses. Beyond its calming and cozy aesthetics, experts say that caring for plants can benefit our well-being— and there’s one personality who has turned her passion for plants into a business. Athlete and now certified plantita Melissa Gohing have long before developed a fondness for plants and has found the perfect time to share her journey in this quarantine. She recently put up ‘All About Plants,’ an online one-stop-shop for aspiring plant parents where they can find a variety of pieces, including unique ones, to choose from according to their preferences.
In her pursuit to surround herself with positive energy through plants, Melissa thought that it would be nice to able to see others receive the same peace and light in their lives as well.
“I’m a collector of rare plants. During this pandemic, these were one of the things that kept me sane. Plants make me happy because their presence is therapeutic. They add color and bring life to every room.
What’s new is the science that finally confirms what we already knew: plants make our lives happier and our minds healthier. So, I’ve thought of sharing happiness from my garden to other people’s homes.”
Melissa’s boyfriend, ‘Descendants of the Sun PH’ star Rocco Nacino, was among the first people she shared this idea with and was very supportive.
As of this writing, her shop now has close to 2,000 followers and has been generating good feedback from netizens. Just by looking at its Instagram feed, a sense of calmness can already rush in.
Starting a business in this situation has had its ups and downs. Melissa shared that with the current restrictions imposed by the quarantine, there were challenges in travel, labor, and costs.
However, she said that it shouldn’t hinder others who also want to pursue a small income-generating project while in lockdown.
Melissa gave a few things to consider first, “Know and learn your business before you start. Make sure that their business is also their passion. It will not be easy & it will be tiring but it will be fulfilling as you go along. Especially when you make your customers happy.”
You can follow the Instagram account of All About Plants here.
Congratulations, Melissa! May your shop bloom more!