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Love Just Ain’t Enough: Things We Can Learn About Maris Racal-Rico Blanco’s Split

Love Just Ain’t Enough: Things We Can Learn About Maris Racal-Rico Blanco’s Split

Love Just Ain't Enough: Things We Can Learn About Maris Racal-Rico Blanco's Split

Last Friday, Filipino actress-singer, Maris Racal admitted her split with the singer-songwriter, Rico Blanco. This shocked many of their fans, even those silently rooting for the couple. Moreover, she concluded that their breakup was a ‘very polite separation‘.

Maris Racal Confirms Breakup with Rivermaya Vocalist, Rico Blanco

At the Star Magic press conference, they asked Maris whether she could see herself ending up with Rico, even though she said she prioritizes her career more. And that question prompted her to admit that her relationship with him had already ended.

Breakups are hard, but it’s even harder if everything needs to end because life’s forbidding it. Despite how much you love each other, if both partners aren’t on the same page anymore— things won’t work out how you want them to. And, that’s the case in Maris and Rico’s separation.

“Rico and I, our universe was so beautiful. It was so full of love, laughter, and music, everything. Sa five years namin together, we were always on the same page. Always on the same page. I don’t know what happened. Maybe I turned the next page and saw a new perspective sa (on) life. I had visions of who I want to become, how I want to evolve. I’m so curious about the world,”

Maris Racal during the Star Magic press conference

Sometimes, Love Just Ain’t Enough: Things We Can Learn About Maris Racal-Rico Blanco’s Split

Every relationship is different, but one similarity is that it will always hurt. Separation hurts, and the thought of losing someone so important to you is painful. However, we have the choice to use this pain as leverage for our personal growth. We can also use other people’s stories as life lessons for us to look out for.

Love is not enough, there should also be compatibility

Photo courtesy of Rappler

In real-life relationships, sustaining a long-term connection requires mutual understanding. As Dr. Kilimanjaro said in one of his videos, “Someone can love you, but their goals don’t align with yours,” This has proven true because if there is a mismatch, both parties will clash, making it difficult to be on the same page.

Thus, there should be matching goals, principles, and even character. If you think about it, you’re going to be with this person long-term, so it’s better to find someone who aligns with you and the things you can tolerate in the relationship.

Individuality doesn’t end in a relationship

Photo courtesy of Philippine Star

Make sure that you never lose yourself once you enter into a relationship. A relationship is just an addition to your life, and it should never become your whole life. Co-dependency is a big no-no in a healthy relationship, thus, it should encourage individuality.

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Moreover, you can still have your own dreams and ambitions, and have your partner as your support system in achieving them all. An article from LinkedIn said that healthy romantic relationships involve partners supporting each other’s growth and success. Achieving each other’s passion and reaching one’s full potential can help a person feel fulfilled in a relationship.

Relationships don’t always have to end in a toxic way

Photo courtesy of PageOne PH

Maris and Rico are one of those couples who ended things healthily. Although it’s still painful, some relationships end with love and understanding. While separations are hurtful, they don’t always have to negatively affect your mental health.

Sometimes, relationships end due to incompatibility or because one person strives for more in life while the other feels content. Additionally, there are times when one person cannot tolerate a behavior that the other cannot change. In such cases, it’s better to give a proper goodbye and closure by explaining why things cannot work out.

All the love and comfort go to both Maris Racal and Rico Blanco during these times. They truly seem to have fought hard for their relationship. Moreover, it’s admirable how brave she was to admit something so heartbreaking. Their relationship epitomizes how pure relationships can be with someone who shares the same depth of love as you.

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