How to achieve a wrinkle-free skin, on fleek eyebrows this ECQ

We have become so dependent on beauty centers to take care of our skin. Now that we are confined at home, we don’t have the luxury to do that. Some have facial tools that they can rely on like facial massagers and beauty rollers. But what if, you don’t have things like that? Will you just let your facial skin sag and just wait for the ECQ to end to have your facial care appointment?
“We tend to be anxious these days and our facial muscles get tightened so we might get wrinkles. In times like these, we need to massage our face to ease out the tension plus this can be therapeutic,” Iris said. Iris Felix is one of Marqed Salon’s Pool of Creatives Make-up Artists.
Working as a Beauty Consultant in L’Occitane Dubai, she shared her expert insight through #GetMarqedAtHome episode. She showed how incorporating a Shiatsu facial massage into your skincare routine can be very beneficial for you. The technique is soft tapping and pinching motions in seven pressure points. After applying your favorite serum, that’s when you can do the Shiatsu technique.
Skin Care: Best way to do it
“If you notice, most make-up artists do a facial massage before applying make-up. It’s because it relaxes the facial muscles. Think of it just like a back rubdown when you’re stressed. When you’re anxious, you tend to frown a lot and crease your forehead. Apply a steady amount of pressure and use your middle and ring fingers to massage in small circular motions. This technique will soothe that because it increases blood flow in your face,” Iris said. “Don’t just overdo it because it might release so much oil that it can give you a breakout. Five minutes of facial massaging will work the magic,” she added.
This is not only a cost-effective way for a natural facelift and can save you a trip to a beauty center soon. We suggest that you close your eyes and relax your mind while doing this technique. Doing it regularly will surely ease your worries this ECQ but can do wonders in your well being. Scroll further and see the video for yourself on how it can be done easily.
Brows on Fleek by Justine
Our ECQ home care treat to you doesn’t end there. Not only our tresses have become unmanageable, but also our well-contoured brows. From #eyebrowsonfleek, it has now become #eyebrowsfleeknomore a la Betty La Fea. Most of us still post our well-loved selfies and have to look our best on video conferences that we attend. Mind you that it’s important for most of us because it can make or break our looks. Some even go the distance to have theirs’ tattooed or micro-bladed.
To make sure that your brows are perfectly groomed, here are some tips from Justine Ocampo, one of Marqed Salon’s Hairstylist from their Pool of Creatives. If you’re not into plucking nor do you like your brows to be waxed, then this is the best route that you should take. Scroll further to see this #GetMarqedatHome DIY Threading video.
This is our continued promise to be your Online Glam Squad in this period of isolation. As we always say, we care for you, your skin, and your hair.

Arthur Tolentino is a creative who has diverse interests from creative writing to hairstyling and pageant coaching. Being passionate that he is, he loves pop culture and loves to talk about anything and everything under the sun.