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Hannah Pangilinan, a Woman After God’s Own Heart

Hannah Pangilinan, a Woman After God’s Own Heart

Upon Highness’s rake through the terrain of the earth for potential disciples, He is not searching for angels in the flesh or quintessential brethren. Because when God unbolted the floodgates of His kingdom and cascaded benisons unto mankind, no one seized the whole shooting match. Faultless souls are well-nigh impossible, but notable ones are the David of the contemporary day. Hannah Pangilinan did not wish upon a star or find a touch of the divine; God seems to favor her to be after His own heart.

Instagram | Hannah Pangilinan

Not an angel, nor a saint. Through her life, she simply wants the Almighty to be praised

Her name is myrrh in the mouths of just, but she’s not the bitter apple of God. Accoutoured in the knack of sorts, Hannah is a woman of versatility. Unlike wannabes bent over backward, she deems herself to be a natural who impresses everyone.

She is a remarkably protean – one at home with a range of talents – who sings, dances, vlogs, plays sports, and inspires through her writing and voice. But, all these she does in only one unshaken foundation: her faith in her Lord. 

“Because I knew if there was one thing that can encompass the rest of my life, it’s going to be my faith, so might as well build on my faith because that’s going to be the foundation of everything that I do anyway.”

Unlike King Nebuchadnezzar, a braggart and whose words remained in his mouth when God humbled and turned him into an animal and ate grass of the fiels, Hannah does not boast. She gives credits to whoever they’re due. And she’s crystal clear that all her ways and winnings are God’s.

Philippians 2:13 says,

 “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

Within Hannah’s life beats a heart shaped like God

Instagram | Hannah Pangilinan

Hannah Pangilinan holds a physical strength that all and sundry aspires to. Not as mighty as King David, but her womanly strength is running after her King’s heart. He built her a pillar – a fortified ticker and grew perpetual carnations. It is made of diamond, gold, and everything shining, shimmering, and splendid that dazzles everyone who tries to tear it down.

Whoever shall fulfill His will is not chosen based on gender. Not just for the glint of eyes in the firelight or a ruddy smile. God favors the heart of those whose ways are Godly-sure, whose hope is Godly-pure, and whose heart is Godly-fear. She is Hannah Kathleen, a felicitous lady to such an exalted description.

Psalm 84:11 says,

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.” 

Hannah Pangilinan
Instagram | Hannah Pangilinan

Her heart grew to stand in awe at what her Savior had done and thumps to glorify the Son. God casts her from his realm to the ground, encapsulated as the light and salt of the land. With His promise of love, her heart is safely undone. 

A heart-shaped curious is a heart that pumps blood through Hannah’s veins. Like a flower that grows slowly from a shoot to a beaut, her heart trusts the process. It pays attention, asks questions, and resists the distraction of seeking perfection. It allows for growth and a clear grasp of the beat of her heart-shaped like God’s. 

Hannah Pangilinan, still water that runs deep 

When lives are through, most voices remain unheard. Testimonies are kept inside a jar of nothingness and abandoned until rotten and vain. Their anointed pusses never seek to tell God’s love and faithfulness. Well, Hannah obliges to deviate against all odds. She flaunts Him with poise and grace and is unashamed of her beliefs.  

Hannah speaks highly of her God like a pious river. Her words were written in gold dust and guided by the Holy Writ. She is still water that runs deep and uses her roar to amplify the faithfulness of her Lord. On her platforms, YouTube and Instagram account, she makes every tribe see His glory. Have a look, and you will see. 

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Anyone can shape psalms like daggers of jade. But they do not shine like hers. No sugar-coating, no double-crossing. In the series of Kwentos with Hannah, the second I heard her speak, it filled me with wonder. She is both proverbs and psalms; her phrases are full of wisdom. 

Hannah comes from grace and allure 

She is not your Belle or Aurora, yet she can be an enchantress or charmer. Ever wonder of the hush-hush to her allure? Learn from the guru herself in her videos, from skincare to diet, workout, and mind revivifying. 

While the stunner hands out tips for self-care, she’s clear to please no one but the Alpha and Omega. In a world full of beauty perfectionists with crooked standards, Hannah stands out carrying her creator’s designation, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornments, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

Proverbs 31:30 says,

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

“Being a Christian or having a certain belief is not confined to a Sunday.”

She has days of roughness. Whoever doesn’t? Regardless, her mind grew tranquil, smoother than fleece – it is undaunted. Hannah Kathleen remains in her faith in Jesus Christ; she lives by it. And, she’s clear that faith is nothing like the ones you hear just anywhere.

“You don’t necessarily just be a Christian because you’re in church. You carry out what you believe in everything that you do. Therefore, everything that I do has a purpose and is now carried out by my faith instead of being solidified isolated thing.”

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