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Giver or Receiver: Which one are you?

Giver or Receiver: Which one are you?

It’s that time of year again. We’re all in the habit of making our significant other feel special by showing them gifts. Then, there are people who feel even happier getting showered by those gifts. So, you wonder if you’re more of a giver or a receiver. Personally, I enjoy both giving and receiving. The former makes me feel appreciated while the latter brings me joy, especially seeing their reactions. Each of us answers the question Are you a giver or a receiver? differently.

It is possible that you believe you’re both of these things, especially when you understand what makes you happy. However, it becomes a challenge to give an answer to such a question. The act of giving or receiving a gift brings us the most happiness or satisfies us the most. And, this is the very best thing for us. So, do you know which one are you yet?

Graphics by: Ronalyn Cedullo
Graphics by Ronalyn Cedullo

Giver or Receiver: Which one are you?


Our faces light up with a smile when we find the perfect present for our someone special. It’s hard to put into words the feeling of fulfillment we get from this. Especially, if it’s a kid or our beau who we’re picking a gift for. The joy on their faces when they open the present we spent so much time searching for is already enough reward for the effort. Our happiness increases when we give those gifts. It makes us feel content.

Graphics by Ronalyn Cedullo


Meanwhile, we can’t deny the fact that it makes us extremely happy when a special person buys us presents. The things that are being given to us are being received with gratitude on our part. Quite frequently, we have the impression that we are extra special. The thought behind the gift becomes more valuable than all of the stars in the universe, regardless of how much the present actually costs. Whenever we receive a gift from anyone, our hearts are filled with gratefulness and joy because of the benevolence of the giver.

Graphics by Ronalyn Cedullo

As long as we both appreciate the idea that giving and receiving are mutually beneficial, it does not matter which of the two you are. As we center ourselves on the practice of generosity, we have the ability to improve everything. Making the place a joyful experience for both people and can make every moment count.

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