Girls, Get Your Outfits Ready For Misa de Gallo – Here’s A Guide

Simbang Gabi or Misa de Gallo is about to start. Every Catholic is expected to come to churches at dawn — in part of the celebration before Christmas. For that consecutive nine-day mass, the millennial, especially the girls, will find it tough to decide what to wear. Of course, outfits do not matter in going to church. But anyways, here are my suggestion outfits for the nine dawns. *wink*
Classy and Sassy Outfits
Business-inspired is the most common attire for women especially those who are already in late 20s and early 30s. A slacks or a trouser with any piece of coat is such an ideal pair. Of course, this outfit is so much applicable for visiting the church where formality is a must.
Monochromatic yet dramatic
Too lazy to pair-up your clothes so you go to a one hue outfit — this does not mean, it is boring. Pull it off with the variation of shades and variation of texture. Go pick your black turtle neck with your dark trousers and a pair of black stiletto.
Cardigan and Jeans
For sure, it will be a colder December. A piece of cardigan can pair up your usual jeans. Most of the millennial church goers, jeans and a shirt are the most usual clothing. So to make your combo a quiet different, get a cardigan to warm you up and for a better attire.
Flowy Floral Dress
If you love to wear flowers for your December, going flowy with a floral dress can be possible. Feel the end of the year with your ala Flores de Mayo vibes.
Belts and Tuck-Ins
For pants and skirts, belt/tuck-in makes it more fashionable. This also gives every woman the curvy figure, highlighting your upper shirt, your pants, or skirt. Well, even it’s for church, being presentable is a must.
Pull-Off that Long Skirts
When you say church, long skirts are the most suggested lower piece for women. And for that you can have your pleated, an a-line or a turtle skirt. It can be printed or just a plain colored one. Your choice. Just pull it off!
Go Overall
Another way of an easy peasy way of attire is through an overall. Yes, what I mean is a single piece clothing. This won’t take time because all you can do is choose the pattern that suits your mood and personality. So take an easy go with your overall clothes.
Stripes and B&W
This outfit is quiet similar to monochromatic but what makes this different is the black and white. It is undeniable that these two colors are the most chosen color of millennial in times of indecisiveness. So to make this two color go, get your B&W stripe or if not you can get stripe in a black or white with another color.
Keep it Simple Outfits
So to wrap it up, your last outfit is your choice. Simplicity goes with the outfit your are most comfortable with. A shirt and jeans with sneakers — a typical millennial outfit will do! What’s important is that you are confident with your wardrobe!