Exploring the Pros and Cons of the Blue Check Badge

The blue check symbolizes authenticity, indicating that the individual shares only genuine content. And the term “verified,” can also be synonymous with accuracy and reliability. Furthermore, we tend to associate having a blue badge with credibility because many known personalities commonly display it.
Nevertheless, with the emergence of Twitter Blue, obtaining a blue badge has become easier as it now requires only a subscription. In that case, there are both benefits and downsides to acquiring the badge on the side of the user and its followers.
Exploring the Pros and Cons of the Blue Check Badge
First, let us know the benefits of acquiring the blue badge
Vox | Blue Checks
The followers can be assured that the person is authentic.
You can protect yourself from unwanted fake accounts that use other people’s names. Additionally, dismissing these fake accounts helps in reducing their visibility, which, in turn, shapes your algorithm by giving them less attention.
It actively reduces the presence of fake accounts, which are often exploited for scams.
As scammers often use fake names, and even in worst-case scenarios, use real people’s names. Acquiring the blue check helps the followers to also protect themselves from fake accounts. Furthermore, doing this may even taint the image of a person — which is why having this would also be beneficial.
It helps build trust between the user and the followers.
This blue badge gives the users an assurance that they can trust the person that they’re interacting with. In connection with the first few perks, the authenticity of the person can help build trust among their followers.
It grants them more visibility on social media.
Having the blue check badge on your profile helps people to discover the user in search results. This heightened visibility can aid in acquiring new followers and boosting your engagement rate.
On the other hand, there are also several cons of having this blue badge.
The Economic Times | Meta Blue Checks
Since both Meta and Twitter have made it easier to acquire the blue check, almost everyone can access it.
In Twitter Blue, you can have the blue badge by subscribing and paying PHP. 436.46 on iOS initially. Then for the next few months, Twitter will charge PHP. 600.88 per month. On the other hand, Meta Verified asks users to pay PHP. 654.96 on the web and PHP. 818.84 on iOS and Android if they wish to have a blue check.
And ever since having the blue check became easier by subscribing and paying, it has shown numerous downfalls to the followers and to the user, itself.
Almost everyone can easily access the “verified” feature regardless of their social media literacy.
Social media literacy fosters critical thinking by equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to analyze, evaluate, and produce content. This includes the responsibility of sharing reliable sets of information.
And if all people can access this feature regardless, it may mislead its followers as they can post things mindlessly. It takes away credibility, and may even lessen the reliability of the blue check in the long run.
The blue check grants the user credibility, and having credibility is a responsibility to keep.
In reference to social media literacy, the user will feel obliged to post responsibly to keep their reputation. The blue badge will pressure them to be more careful when posting because their profiles have been given more visibility due to this feature.
They are more prone to public comments.
We cannot dictate people’s thoughts or anticipate their reactions and comments. Therefore, it becomes essential, especially for those with the blue check, to carefully consider things before posting since that is the aspect they have control over.
Regardless of the social media platform, having the blue badge provides the same benefits.
So if you wish to have this feature, you must think thoroughly. Consider both its pros and cons if it’s truly necessary to have that in your profile. Moreover, as social media users, even those who don’t have the blue badge must practice responsible usage of social media.

Annefreid often finds herself being lost in the lines of serene melodies of this world. When writing, she usually uses personal anecdotes, and she also likes to write about the things she loves. She also wanted her write-ups to be something people will look for whenever they wanted to know about something, as she's fond of aiding people through her words as a writer. Moreover, she spends her time making music and creatively writing where she can exercise her creativity.