Experience the Newest Tattoo Trend That Will Solve Your Eyebags & Stretch Mark Problems

Eyebags are natural part of aging while stretch marks just happen to almost anyone at some point of his or her life. While they’re unavoidable and finding a product that can provide a permanent solution is daunting, it doesn’t mean that there’s no option to make the most of the situation.
Most people associate stretch marks with child-bearing, while others think it has something to do with bodyweight changes. Even people who went through sudden growth frenzy during the adolescence stage often have stretch marks around their joints or on their backs. And whether or not a person’s eyebags are an inevitable result of aging, lifestyle, or water retention around the eyes, they’re unflattering and adds more years to someone’s age.
Bianca Festejo’s “camouflage” tattoo treatment
Enter Bianca Festejo’s “camouflage” tattoo treatment, which is a procedure that starts at P13,000. This latest tattoo service is a safe and non-invasive treatment option that uses special pigments to cover up both stretch marks and eye bags. First introduced in South America and Europe, beauty expert Bianca Festejo takes pride in being the first one to offer this procedure in the Philippines. Bianca was trained by three of Brazil’s most-renowned creators of camouflage treatment and has successfully mastered her craft both on stretch mark and scar camouflage from Paris recently. While this treatment is no magic, the secret lies in the aesthetician’s precise and well-trained hands using flesh-toned ink to cover up both eyebags and stretchmarks. Additionally, Bianca invested her time and research in developing a distinctive guide for pigment formulation that allows her to create a unique tone based on the patient’s complexion.
“Stretch marks or striae appear when the skin is stretched or pulled by rapid growth. This is usually caused by hormonal changes like puberty, pregnancy, menopausal hormone therapy, and even body-building. There have been a lot of remedies offered long before to get rid of stretch marks, including laser treatments and other topical agents, but they seemed aren’t enough to provide a permanent solution,” said Bianca.
Solution for eyebags
Eyebags are another unavoidable issue since the tissues around the eyes tend to get weak as a person age. The normal fat that helps support the eyes can then move into the lower eyelids, causing the lids to appear puffy. And since this treatment is natural, lightly applied, and targets the outer layer of the epidermis. Bianca assures that it’s safe and totally worry-free semi-permanent procedure. “Aside from hiding the dark and puffy undereye, the eyebags tattoo concealer treatment can further help fade the dark pockets below the eyes, creating the illusion of rejuvenation.”
For those who are looking for ways to instantly but effectively conceal these areas, camouflage is the only scar revision protocol. It provides long-lasting and visible results in as little as two weeks after undergoing 1-3 sessions. At Bianca Festejo, settings like needle depth, speed, and pigment release are adjusted accordingly for a specific client, that’s why patients can look forward to a high success rate of 80 percent stretch mark visibility reduction with natural looking cover-up that feels like its own skin.
Anyone with small or medium stretch marks that look white and contrasts with their skin color very noticeably highly qualifies for the camouflage procedure. However, it is not recommended for stretch marks that have a lot of depth, with visible hyperpigmentation or if the client has a skin condition. Additionally, if the patient just gave birth and breastfeeding, she should wait for two years to avail the procedure.