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Daywalker! Corpse Husband finally reveals his face in music video 👀

Daywalker! Corpse Husband finally reveals his face in music video 👀

Corpse Husband finally revealed his face to the internet! In case you didn’t know, the faceless YouTuber collaborated with Machine Gun Kelly for a new song titled, Daywalker! March has been a crazy month for him. Aside from releasing the song, he also had an interview with fellow YouTuber Anthony Padilla. Then, he and MGK released a music video – showing his face once and for all.

Screenshot from Anthony Padilla on YouTube

Daywalker! Corpse Husband finally reveals his face in music video 👀

We get the first glimpse of his face as “Corpse” dangles on a pole upside down, rapping the verse to his lyrics. Just kidding, lol. Corpse didn’t want to be filmed and MGK requested for YouTube gamer Valkyrae to do the music video herself. In a recent Among Us stream, Corpse Husband detailed how he asked Rae to be in the music video.

Screenshot from Machine Gun Kelly on YouTube

“I called up Rae a couple of days ago [or some shit]. And, I was like, ‘Rae, I need you for the music and it will be, like, a couple of guys with a camera. You don’t need to bring anything.’ In the last minute, they (the production) rented out an entire warehouse. MGK directed the whole thing.”

Screenshot from Machine Gun Kelly on YouTube

Valkyrae is Corpse Husband CONFIRMED!

Of course, his friends congratulated him with the “face reveal.” They expressed their admiration on “his” long locks. Seán McLoughlin aka JackSepticEye even pointed out that they haven’t seen Corpse Husband and Valkyrae in the same room before. Corpse, then, would note out how Rae outdid herself to be a part of the music video.

Screenshot from Machine Gun Kelly on YouTube

“She, last-minute, did everything. They were out of any outfit they would want, like around the area. And, she didn’t even know she needed one. So, she ended up, last-minute, getting one from a fucking sex shop and just killed it. It was so sick. She outdid herself so much.”

Screenshot from Machine Gun Kelly on YouTube

“I wanted to prove a point, especially from the platform that I’m coming from. It’s smart for artists and big labels [and stuff] to invest and featuring independent artists coming from platforms like me. And, you guys (his fans) just overdid it (the support) like crazy.”

Screenshot from Machine Gun Kelly on YouTube

Just in case you guys didn’t know, this article was written in support of Corpse Husband trolling his haters on the internet. If he doesn’t do a face reveal, he shouldn’t be forced into it. Plus, Rae did an amazing job in portraying Corpse. As of this writing, the music video had a 2,194,883 views.

Valkyrae also posted a behind-the-scenes footage. She brought her subscribers along as she went into a sex shop to buy her own latex jumpsuit. Watch the video here:

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