Dare to eat these exotic Filipino delicacies

Filipino food has always been special in its own way that surely satisfies your palate. It’s apparent that Filipino don’t like to waste food. From head to toe, we turn every part of animal meat into something edible. You might have tasted the famous street foods like isaw manok, betamax, and the all-time favorite balut. It isn’t only affordable but also, delectable as well.
If you’re a food lover and a bit adventurous, let me just dare you to eat these exotic Filipino delicacies.
The following exotic foods will test how extensive your palate senses are. Listed below are some of the bizarre Filipino delicacies that might look weird. However, you have to try them out once in your life.
Who would have thought that ants can give you an unforgettable dining experience? If you happen to visit Ilocos, you should try Abuos or ant eggs. It is a delicacy that is regarded as the caviar of Ilocos. These soft white larvae of ants are sizzled with garlic and soy sauce. While eating Abuos, you will appreciate its slightly gooey and crunchy texture. Abuos is also usually sold at public markets or served at restaurants in Ilocos.

Different provinces have their own signature exotic delicacies. In Rizal, you can find Uok in coconut trees. Moreover, natives of Rizal gleaned and cooked them as an appetizer.

The locals of Palawan take pride in their “Tamilok” the unusual woodworm delicacy. This worm may not look appetizing, but it is surprisingly tasty. Moreover, this exotic food has bear resemblance to the mollusk. Tamilok only lives and grows in dead branches of mangrove trees. Its bizarre, slimy look has become popular and a best-seller among locals and tourists. Although finding the worms is not so easy, once you crack open the wood, they quickly die. No preparation is needed as it is eaten raw, just dipped in vinegar with pepper and salt.
In the region of Cordillera, Etag, or the “smoked mountain ham” is the traditional food of Igorots. The locals served Etag during special occasions such as birthdays and weddings. This delicacy involves the curing process of salting and drying it under the sun. Sometimes the maggots thrive in the meat, depending on the preservation. They used a special kind of tree that adds aroma and flavor to the meat. If stored properly, etags can last for several months. Igorots paired it with beans and vegetables.