Choosing to be Survivors: The Bella Twins’ EmpowHERing Journey

Bella Twins are known for their tag team during their professional wrestling matches in WWE. Moreover, Nikki Bella reigned the title of Divas Champions twice, and Brie Bella held the title once. To add to this, they already emanate “girl power” because of their physical strength.
Choosing to be Survivors: The Bella Twins’ EmpowHERing Journey
There is more to the identical twins’ empowered strength. Furthermore, they’ve been through a lot of downfalls, just like any other people. The twins witnessed their father resorting to alcohol abuse and infidelity. Moreover, they also experienced having divorced parents during their teenage years. Which made their past harder for the twins.
Moreover, during Nikki‘s teenage years, she experienced being raped twice. And, she’s also been in a toxic relationship with her ex-boyfriend, John Cena. Her relationship experience has been transparently shown in the first few seasons of their reality show, Total Bellas.
They used their experiences to empower them more through their book, Incomparable.
Despite the twins’ hard childhood, they freely shared their experiences in their written book entitled Incomparable. The book became an instant New York Times Best Seller back in 2020 because of its honesty.
Last May 5, 2020, the twins officially dropped their memoir. In their officially uploaded YouTube announcement, they said that they worked for the book for two and a half years together with their ghostwriter. Moreover, they also said that they shared more of their reality in the book.
So, how are the Bella Twins doing now?
Well, despite everything that they’ve gone through, they finally found the peace that they deserved. Back in 2018, the twins retired in the WWE to focus more on their businesses and personal lives.
They are currently managing their wine label, Bonita Bonita. They also have their hair care and skincare business called Nicole and Brizee. Moreover, their podcast entitled The Bellas Podcast has been keeping them busy talking about all sorts of things. Their podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, and “wherever you listen to your podcasts to“!
Moreover, Nikki Bella already built her own family that she always wanted. Together with her fiancé, Artem Chigvintsev, they are living happily with their son, Matteo Chigvintsev. The lovebirds both met during the Dancing With The Stars’ 25th Season.
Furthermore, Brie Bella has also been enjoying her married life with her spouse, Brian Danielson. They had their first daughter, Birdie Danielson back in May 2017. Now, their second son, Buddy Danielson almost shared the same birthday with Matteo. Furthermore, the two baby boys have a 22-hour difference at birth. I guess it’s really their twin thing that even their sons’ birthdays perfectly synced.
They truly emanate empowHERment because, despite their hard pasts, they managed to live their life to the fullest- serving everyone some wine and inspiration.
They are more than just pretty faces and their well-toned bodies. The twins are also known for their wrestling moments. But now, they made their name known for their raw attitude shown in their reality shows, and their productiveness in managing businesses, and other things that kept them busy.
May the Bella Twins inspire more people because of their love for their family and their bravery in speaking up against different abuses. Remember that they’ve become a victim of abuses too. However, they refused to become a victim and chose to be a survivor, you should become one too!

Annefreid often finds herself being lost in the lines of serene melodies of this world. When writing, she usually uses personal anecdotes, and she also likes to write about the things she loves. She also wanted her write-ups to be something people will look for whenever they wanted to know about something, as she's fond of aiding people through her words as a writer. Moreover, she spends her time making music and creatively writing where she can exercise her creativity.