Atty. Mary Christine Florete helms ‘Domestic Arbitration for Dummies’ Course for Access MCLE

Atty. Mary Christine Florete starts ‘Domestic Arbitration for Dummies’ Course for Access MCLE.
Alternative modes of dispute resolution are being actively promoted and encouraged. That is to help ease up the already overwhelming volume of cases that are heard in courts. Domestic arbitration has steadily been gaining ground in dispute resolution.
Resorting to this type of conflict resolution is voluntary and requires consent from the parties involved. Of course, it is important to be knowledgeable about the basic principles of domestic arbitration.
Indeed, for Atty. Mary Christine Florete, young lawyers should also focus on litigation as doing so could further develop their negotiation skills.
The voluntary procedure of arbitration could be tedious and winding. However, it could proceed to an arbitration agreement. This can make parties arrive to a peaceful yet legal conflict resolution.
This is what ‘Domestic Arbitration for Dummies (a.k.a. The Dad Course)’ is all about. The topic is part of the Alternative Dispute Resolution subject. It is also offered through the Synchronous MCLE Flexible Lecture Series (part of the February 4, 2022 session).
A Junior Partner at Sombiro & Partners Law Office, Atty. Florete has been in practice for about four years. A graduate of the University of Iloilo College of Law, she has been into litigation practice. Certainly, this covers Labor Law, Criminal Law, Administrative Law, and Estate Planning.
Meanwhile, taking her part in the academe, Atty. Florete has taught the Law on Sales and the Law for Negotiable Instruments for BS Accountancy students. She holds membership in the Philippine Institute of Arbitrators (PIArb) and the Philippine Dispute Resolution Center, Inc. (PDRCI).
She has also academically immersed in International Commercial Arbitration. It has paved the way for her to get her hands into arbitration in various industries. These include energy and financial markets. On the side, Atty. Florete is passionate about spreading financial literacy in the layman’s level. She has also been enthusiastic about local stock trading and golf (for leisure).