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A Retired Army’s Queer Unico Hijo

A Retired Army’s Queer Unico Hijo

Being the queer unico hijo is tough, especially living in a homophobic country.

In the Philippines, most religious people as well as the boomers cannot stand those who do not meet their stereotypical gender tropes.

Judgments and unending insults from the people around you will not let you rest even for one bit.

That’s why most people in the community hide their gender orientation to protect themselves and to avoid being the laughingstock of those narrow-minded people.

The perks of being the youngest son

Holland (not his true name) enjoyed being the unico hijo. He is the youngest after all. His parents and older sisters support him financially. He wants it, he gets it. Also, he can go wherever he wants with lesser restrictions. He is well-loved by his family.

(Disclaimer: True names were not revealed for privacy purposes)

However, he feels so left behind because they see him as someone who has no say in family matters. The fact that he is still young, his family made him feel like they know good and bad better.

I mean, that’s the typical situation if you are the youngest in the family, right?

Since his father is a retired army, they also expect him to follow in his father’s footsteps. His family wanted him to become part of the army. But little did they know, he is the queer unico hijo.

However, they observed that Holland would not make it into the academy because he was a clumsy child. So they drop it. But then, they saw potential in him academically. So Holland felt pressured in that aspect.

Queer unico hijo

Holland started to explore his gender preference when he was in 8th grade. He was a fan of reading stories on Wattpad then noticed that straight love stories are becoming boring. He found excitement in queer stories.

The Loft LGBT

Until now, he still hasn’t come out yet. The fact that his father was part of the army and his mother is old school, being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community is really hard.

He tried so many times but cannot voice it out because he considers his family’s reaction once they find out. Also, he is still a student and has nothing to prove yet.

Holland’s POV

Growing up, he became self-conscious. He started to accept his identity and opened up to his friends. Only a few accepted him as he is. Some left because they were disgusted with Holland’s gender orientation.

Most of his friends now are women who understand him and supported him. They made him feel that he is worthy and a true friend. I mean, it is really an irony to be the retired army’s queer unico hijo.

Deccan Herald

Despite his challenges in life, Holland managed to maintain his scholarship in school. He never let insults and judgments go over his head.

Holland is an achiever. He even aced and achieved more than his older sisters academically. Seeing his family so proud of him makes his heart so happy.

After his graduation, he is looking forward to accepting his professor’s offer to work abroad.

“We must learn to accept the things that we cannot change. Continue to live and make something great out of it.”


It sucks that you have to hide who you are. Wearing a façade to conceal your true self so you can protect yourself and your loved ones from close-minded people.

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