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Here are some easy ways to keep your online bank account safe

Here are some easy ways to keep your online bank account safe

Some of us might personally know someone who’s a victim of email hacks, identity theft, and online credit card fraud. We sympathize with them, knowing that there’s little to no chance that they’ll recover their hard-earned money. And if you haven’t experienced these yet, you might not want to be complacent with your online bank accounts. Especially these days that most of us prefer shopping and paying bills with just a few taps of our fingers.

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Be vigilant in using your online banking account

Here are some easy ways to keep your online bank account safe:

Change your password regularly

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No matter how private passwords are, someone can still hack in many ways.  Experts recommend changing your password every few months. If there’s a breach, make sure to change it as soon as you can. Avoid using “1234” or “password” or numbers from your birth date. Make them complex as possible by using alphanumeric characters, symbols, and at least one capital letter.

Enable two-factor authentication

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The majority of banks nowadays provide the option to have two-factor authentication on accounts. It is pretty similar to extra layers of authentication when someone tries to access your Facebook or Gmail. If you do this, you’ll get an SMS alert that a hacker is trying to log-in by using another device.

Sign-up for text alerts

Photo from Desk Alerts Solutions

In relation to the tip above, you should enable text alerts for a one-time password (also known as OTP). This will allow you to track a recent purchase or withdrawal of a huge sum of money. They may bother you for some time especially if you do online shopping frequently but those texts may be helpful. Just remember, never share your OTP with anyone.

Do not use automatic log-ins

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We understand that automatic sign-in is very convenient but it is probably not the safest thing to do. There’s a possibility that someone might steal your phones and laptops along with your passwords for your financial accounts. This rule is pretty much self-explanatory for those who use computers in rental shops.

Install and use the mobile banking app

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Online bank account access through the app allows you to have additional layers of protection. Why? Some apps equip security features such as PIN, pattern, facial or fingerprint recognition, and others. There are even banks that allow you to link trusted devices to restrict where you can access your account. This may block a hacker for logging in to your account in the future.

Online baking has its own pros and cons, but there are various ways you can protect yourself as a user. Do you have other tips to make your account secure?

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