While an apology is important to our healing, we should not get too uptight about it

by Team VP
April 2, 2021

I think the word ‘sorry’ does seem to be the hardest word. Humans are prideful creatures, thus apologizing has become a challenge to most of us. Unknowingly, we would often go to extreme lengths just to defend our pride — our fragile sense of self. For most of us, an apology may involve more than saying ‘sorry.’
We find it hard to apologize because we struggle to separate our actions from our character — we always tend to steadfastly refuse to apologize or even acknowledge our flaws and faults. Then, we think that saying sorry or admitting our mistakes threatens our self-esteem and our basic sense of social and personal identity.
We fear being seen as weak.
We fear not being perfect.
And, we fear rejections and repercussions.

While an apology is important to our healing, we should not get too uptight about it. If it doesn’t come your way then let it go. Don’t argue or do anything overly aggressive about it. I always believe that a person’s ability to admit mistakes and apologize for them is the mark of a genuine and honest person.
Not to talk sweet and romantic, people don’t apologize based on your perception of their actions. You have to understand if someone commits a mistake, it is his/her choice to apologize. In fact, all that matters is that you know you were not in the wrong and your intention is genuine.

Always choose to let go and move forward — remember that it is not worth your mind space and peace hanging on to people who don’t know how to accept blame when they deserve it.