This marketer shares how connection is the key to knowing your market
They say that every marketer is great, whether or not their product is. You see, it goes beyond that. Promoting something effectively is also taking into consideration what the consumer actually wants rather than merely “doing your job” to return a supplier’s investment.
A Marketer’s Mind
We are lucky enough to have met someone that shows us how there are certain factors that affect a buyer’s decision when purchasing.
According to Marketing Lead Eason de Guzman Jr., whether you have the advantage or not, being an effective marketer is about knowing what your consumer wants and need.
“Sulit, that’s the word any Filipino will remember. We try to offer the most sulit product in every price category not only product wise, but also as a brand. Cause the sale never stops upon payment, its continues in our community.”
Being among the great minds of a smartphone brand that has been sweeping the PH market off its feet for its affordability and quality features, Eason have studied the game and is steps ahead.
As a young man, he shared that he has always been his friends’ go-to guy when it comes to the latest gadgets. No wonder that his job now fits him well like a glove.
“It felt that it was the best thing I do, despite being a computer science graduate I felt sharing the best of technology, the latest trends means more to me than doing programing. Fortunately, it gave me the advantage for my career right now being well rounded to explain the latest tech, and being communicable to present.”
Competition in ‘new normal’
However, as we all face the nearing ‘new normal,’ we asked how are brands like theirs are adapting to the situation in hand.
Well as for Eason, “Being competitive isn’t enough anymore in product offerings, its also being empathetic.”
In the meantime, it’s best that they serve as a companion to consumers to get through the daily. By developing content that are fun, easy, can somehow help ease the anxiety of the public. The more you help, the more they remember you at these trying times.
What we have learned from Eason is that it all boils down to connecting with the market as the top priority. It shouldn’t be a ‘strategy’ but a habit.
“Understanding your customers’ language, accessibility, and even how shareable your campaigns are makes a big difference.”