Get to know Sejun, the great leader of SB19

The P-Pop boy group SB19 is the newest thing right now. As of now, they are breaking records in the music industry and is unstoppable in Twitter community. But behind all those progressive successes is the bind of the group itself. For that, SB19’s greatest foundation is their leader. So yes, I am talking about Sejun.
As SB19 is under ShowBT Philippines, a Korean Entertainment company that franchised in the country, the group experience training like the Korean idols do. Thus, the leader in this group play so much role like as how much K-pop group leader does. Don’t get me wrong, it is only the training but they impose Original Pilipino Music (OPM). SB19 is P-Pop!
To guide you about the great leader John Paulo Nase or Sejun, here are just some of the facts that make him the leader we should stan forever.
Choose to be kind
These four exact words is the lesson that Sejun always reminds his beloved fans, A’Tin. It is heartwarming to him see him reminding his fans how to be humble. Indeed, a great role model for the group and for everyone.
Creative Sejun
Next, behind those lyrics and arrangements of their sound-breaking music is a touch of Sejun. Everyone got hyped with their cover of Michael Pangilinan’s Bakit Ba Ikaw but little did they know Sejun did the vocal arrangement, harmony and line distribution! It is just so amazing.
Lessons from Sejun
Sejun is the leader who is not afraid to correct his fans. I am talking about his tweet regarding on the word A’Tins when in fact it should be A’Tin without S – because he said it is a collective noun! Well, no wonder he is a graduate of AB English from one of the top universities in the country.
A softie
And for that, some of the fans find him cold in social media but, of course, they know our John Paulo is so warm in person. He is so much family-oriented that in their latest vlog when they went to grocery and saw massage chairs, he told his group mates that he wants to buy it for his parents. What softie!
Well besides from a being a good role model, a talented and thoughtful leader, Sejun is the great leader who will guide SB19 to their way up!