Recipe for Change opens the dialogue for Asian and Pacific Islanders (API) culture and discrimination

Open your minds and hearts, people! Today, we embark on a delicious dinner journey that features an array of ideas to chew on. We need to watch Recipe for Change ASAP! I will tell you why.
Recipe for Change is a Youtube Originals special that opens the dialogue for Asian and Pacific Islanders (API) culture and discrimination.
From LeBron James, The SpringHill Company, and producer Michelle Kwan, the 55-minute video premiered on June 30, 2021. Jubilee’s Youtube account streamed the show. Recipe For Change is a sit-down dinner discussion. It opens the dialogue for Asian and Pacific Islanders (API) culture and discrimination. The event also features a fabulous three-course dinner meal from renowned chefs.
Hasan Minhaj, Eugene Lee Yang, and Michelle Kwan hosted three separate dinners.
Among its star-studded guest lists were Olivia Munn, Jay Shetty, BD Wong, and Margaret Cho. Katelyn Ohashi, Lisa Ling, Auli’i Cravalho also joined. Asia Jackson, Simu Liu, and Amanda Nguyen made appearances. Tina Chen, Ross Butler, Jason Lee, Brandon Flynn, and Sophia Bush also participated.
“When we band together as groups to advocate for each other, that’s where our power is.” – Michelle Kwan
The dinner showcases API specialties that include menu items from various Asian countries and cultures. Amidst the sharing of cultural food habits and food items, the guests of Recipe for Change answered multiple questions about API topics.
Ranging from hard-hitting questions such as “What is an Asian stereotype that you hate the most” or “What allyship means to you,” guests put forth their own perspectives to the table.
The show tackled many topics against Asian gender discrimination and hate. Such as the stereotype of Asian men being “unsexy” and Asian women being fetishized as “exotic.”
According to Jay Shetty and Amanda Nguyen, the standards put forth against Asian men and women stem from the toxic masculinity found in the cultures of white supremacy.
“When you put the Asian stereotype with the gender lens, it becomes extremely violent in model minority myth.”-Amanda Nguyen
Sophia Bush further agrees that this stereotype is indeed connected to the model minority myth. The model minority myth, as defined in the show, is “The stereotype that Asians are more intelligent, polite, and successful than other marginalized communities.”
Moreover, Asian women are expected to be subservient, obedient, and quiet. In fact, Oliva Munn speaks boldly about the intersectionality of being a woman and being an Asian.
“They want to believe I’m the dragon lady because I am outspoken, I am not outspoken, I am just speaking. There’s a big difference.”– Olivia Munn
Olivia also adds that as a woman, allied men should understand that women aren’t helped. The world victimizes women in a way that is shameful and sexual.
In clearing up the idea of white supremacy, the guests produced many insights to help us understand better why we “listen and amplify the voices that are already out there.”
Recipe for Change clarifies any questions regarding API allyship. Really, why do we advocate for API groups?. Why is there an allyship for this community? How do we better understand the calls for equality and abolition of racism?
“You put that work in and learn because you’re confronted with the reality of diverse groups, whether be with women or the vast, vast continent that is Asia.
When you’re in a homogenous group, it’s so easy to nod and say,’ ‘Sure, it’s not that challenging. ‘And to constantly be challenged and challenge others is work. So cheers to the activists.” – Eugene Lee Yang.
“To understand that the rest of my life has to look like me building relationships with people who don’t look like me, who don’t think like me. That, to me, is what allyship is.” – Brandon Flynn.
Furthermore, we learn that the cries against white supremacy are NOT targeted against white people. We’re targeting the system in general. We call for the abolishment of prejudices and Asian hate. We call for the re-examination of conversations on the various races and shades of Asian people.
“White supremacy is not about white people. It’s about the education, government, justice system built by history or decades of white patriarchy.” –Jason Lee.
“Asia’s so huge and so diverse, and it’s just not portrayed that way in any type of media that we see.” – Asia Jackson.
We advocate for these issues because we need to present a new side of history. We call for the truth, one that isn’t obscured and written by white men who look like “America’s founding fathers.”
“History is always told in the eyes of the victors.”– Lisa Ling
When asked about what they learned about API history from school, the guests all shook their heads. They didn’t know anything about API in school. Some hid their authentic selves from adolescence. They hid away from their “Asianness.”
“What’s happening now with our movement is that it celebrates Asianness. I really learned how to be Asian. It doesn’t come naturally.” – Simulacra Liu
Why is it easy to hate on others for what they look like? Because, “no matter if you lived 150 years in America, they will just take one look at your face and say, you don’t belong here.”
“When you don’t see somebody when you don’t see their individuality. When you just know a caricature of something else, then that’s why you can throw a hammer at their head. Dehumanizing allows violence.” – Tina Chen
Their words make us aware of how API issues take place. In a sharing era wherein it is so easy to reach many people, social media platforms should advocate for a better system.
“How powerful a piece of legislation is that it can either be hateful or really optimistic and powerful.” – Hasan Minhaj
At the end of the show, they all performed a Japanese practice called “kintsugi,” which entails restructuring broken ceramic pieces with gold.
“Kintsugi, it’s a symbol of what we did tonight, coming together to support one another all in solidarity.” – Michelle Kwan
The guests answered the final question, “What does Change for the API community mean to you?” Many meaningful answers came out.
“Change would be for our children and our children’s children. [Where] it won’t matter so much where they come from or what’s their story. [The] kind of place can I create for them in which they feel like they belong and making sure that we create a space for ourselves here.” – Simulacra Liu
“Change is having a workplace that is fair, equitable, fully represented. A place where everybody can reach their full potential.” – Tina Chen
Staying silent means you are part of the oppression even if you do not take part in the hate. This serious discussion of API topics, calls us not to take a seat watching but to “TAKE A STAND.” I really recommend watching Recipe for Change. Let us educate ourselves on these matters. We continue the call for abolishing hate towards any race or gender.
After all, “We are all the same kind of race- the human race.”

An aspiring adventurist who aims to travel the world someday. Weird and poetic, a great friend for problematic rants and deep talks about life in general. Hit me up on my socials!