How Social Media Affects Users: Responsible Use of Platforms

Did you know that your social media is a powerful platform capable of persuading and affecting people? Yes, you read that right. A 2023 study from the University of Subang proves that social media can indeed influence public opinion.
Given this, social media can be a great platform for sharing information and communicating with others. Moreover, being careful online benefits not only others but also you, as a user. As users of these platforms, we have the responsibility to keep our digital footprints clean and maintain a positive online presence.
How Social Media Affects Users: The Responsible Use of Platforms For You and Others
As of May 2024, statistics show that more than half of the world (62.6%) uses social media, with 250 million new users joining recently. This widespread adoption makes these platforms accessible to a large portion of the global population.
Since we’ve established that these platforms are easily accessible to almost everyone, it’s important for us, as netizens, to be careful about what we post. This is especially true for influential people, as they have followers who they can significantly impact. Whether you use Facebook, X, Instagram, or Instagram Threads, you should be cautious about what you post on the Internet.
Here are a few tips to ensure responsible platform use:

- Verify the information before sharing – As mentioned earlier, our platforms can shape public opinion, and it shows how powerful social media is. Therefore, it’s crucial to fact-check the information you come across before sharing it.
- Never overshare – Remember that privacy is power, and sharing too much personal information on your profiles can be a disservice to yourself. Choose carefully what you want people to see, and always remember that you have control over your own privacy and safety.
- Engage using positivity and good cause – Bullying, hate speech, harmful content, and other negative posts aren’t tolerated. Given the power of these platforms, they should be used for positive and constructive purposes.
- Be mindful of your audience – Especially if you’re influential, being audience-sensitive is crucial. Your posts can reach a wide audience and may be interpreted differently by those unfamiliar with you.
I’m aware that we all have our own platforms and control over what we post. However, with this comes the responsibility to avoid spreading hate and misinformation. By using social media responsibly, we can contribute to a more positive and informed online community. It’s essential to be mindful of the impact of our posts. Let’s ensure that our digital presence reflects integrity, respect, and accuracy, setting a positive example for others to follow.

Annefreid often finds herself being lost in the lines of serene melodies of this world. When writing, she usually uses personal anecdotes, and she also likes to write about the things she loves. She also wanted her write-ups to be something people will look for whenever they wanted to know about something, as she's fond of aiding people through her words as a writer. Moreover, she spends her time making music and creatively writing where she can exercise her creativity.