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For First-Time Jobseekers: Résumé vs. Curriculum Vitae

For First-Time Jobseekers: Résumé vs. Curriculum Vitae

For First-Time Jobseekers: Résumé vs. Curriculum Vitae

Before applying for a job, we need either a résumé or a curriculum vitae (CV) to showcase our credentials and determine our qualifications. Differentiating between the two can be challenging for first-time jobseekers because both documents highlight our qualifications. Moreover, this article aims to help those individuals understand the differences.

For First-Time Jobseekers: Résumé vs. Curriculum Vitae

Last time, I wrote about some things you can take care of even before graduating to avoid feeling rushed during your job-seeking journey. In this article, we will delve into the technical aspects of your pre-graduation preparation by examining the differences.

You may have seen job postings that say, “Submit your résumé at 123@456.com” or “Send us your CV at 123@456.com“. That’s why it’s important to have both documents.

To put it simply, a résumé is a document tailored to what the company is looking for. Meanwhile, a CV is a more comprehensive collection of all your academic and professional experiences, affiliations, awards, certificates, and so on.

Venn Diagram of Résumé and Curriculum Vitae

Additionally, résumés are often used when applying for positions in industry, non-profits, or the public sector. While, CVs are used for academic jobs, fellowships, grants, or senior-level positions. [Instagram/@tandamona_].

Also, you can put your career objective and character references in your résumé, while CVs don’t necessarily include those.

Now that we’ve established the difference between the two, you can now use templates available online

Using templates can make your résumés appear organized and professional. Some companies prefer résumés with only text, while others are open to creative touches. Moreover, here are some templates you can take inspiration from.

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Harvard Template

The Harvard template is an example of a text format that emphasizes the applicant’s credentials. Personal information is condensed into a single line, and other sections follow a similar concise format. Additionally, the details of each work experience are presented in bulleted sentences.

Photo courtesy of Ultmeche

Sydney Template

This is one of the templates that embraces creativity, minimalism, and professionalism and incorporates colors, texts, and pictures. And compared to the Harvard template, this one uses paragraphs to tell details about a work experience.

Photo courtesy of Sydney Resumes

Furthermore, you can also check Resume.io for more templates you can use in your résumé and CV.

The résumé and curriculum vitae are just the tip of the iceberg when you’re searching for a job. What matters most is how you sell and present yourself to the company. Regardless of the template you use, ensure you present yourself professionally during interviews. Additionally, as you build your CV and résumé, focus on building your confidence. Remember, you are working for your future, and your contributions to the company are just a part of that journey.

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