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Estetik: The Growing Fashion Trend Among Younger Generation

Estetik: The Growing Fashion Trend Among Younger Generation

Aesthetic, or Estetik as Filipinos call it for fun, is the new fashion trend among the younger generations. Nothing is permanent, as the adage goes. Our world changes over time, as do people’s lifestyles. The fashion trend in the Philippines changes as we try to adopt other styles and become part of the trend. This is why the latest clothing trend is rapidly spreading.

Photo | Cosmique Studio

Aesthetic as a Trend

Younger generations are more up-to-date on the latest trends. Using their phones, they are constantly posting and watching entertaining videos. Furthermore, we are very interested in other countries’ entertainment industries. Also, younger generations adore K-pop, which is why we began to adopt their fashion styles.

Aesthetic is well-known not only as a fashion style but also as a house style—images of houses with simple designs, earth tones, and pastel colors can be found online. In short, aesthetics are simple yet classy. To know more about it, here are some of the estetik vibe outfits.

Aesthetic/ Estetik

Photo | Cosmique Studio

Most aesthetic tops look great with high-waisted shorts, skirts, or denim pants. Loose or large shirts are also worn because they tuck them in and sometimes wear minimalist belts. Aesthetics is about more than just looking good; it is also about understanding the nature of beauty, art, and taste.

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Photo | Rhona Abulon

Look at the use of colors. They enjoy combining brown with white and black. There are no extra-vengeance designs. The clothes are all simple, but they make sure that everything matches. They can also add Jackets to make it appear more elegant or fashionable.

People do not just put on these clothes to follow the latest style. Wearing appealing and fashionable clothing boosts confidence, but this does not always imply that people are trying to impress. Remember, regardless of our clothing preferences or what we wear, what matters is that we appreciate and love ourselves. Whatever our fashion style, we all know confidence is the key to better carry-out our clothes!

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