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Baguio City to “gradually reopen” tourism next month

Baguio City to “gradually reopen” tourism next month

The Summer Capital might open its doors to tourists starting September. According to an advisory posted on the Baguio City Public Information Office Facebook page, the local government has announced plans to “gradually reopen tourism with regulated, controlled entry and monitored movement by September.”

Moreover, the advisory says tourists will be required to pre-register through an online system called Baguio Visitor Information & Travel Assistance (VISITA). Thes said online registration will be launched within the month.

Photo from Business Mirror Online

Tourists need to have “pre-booked accommodation” preferably through accredited tour operators, and declare their itinerary.

Furthermore, visitors must undergo “mandatory triage and PCR testing” before they can go around the city. However, testing will be shouldered by the tourists.

In fact, the local government says tourists’ movement will be closely monitored by tour operators and/or hotel management. In the said post, they also shared guidelines for tour operations and hotels, as well as tourism managers.


As declared by President Rodrigo Duterte over the weekend, the National Capital Region and the provinces of Bulacan, Laguna, Cavite, and Rizal would be placed under modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ) from Aug. 4-18.

Who’s excited to visit Baguio next month? Of course, follow guidelines and always practice physical distancing. Our health should always be our main priority.

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