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APHRO APOLLO DID IT HIS WAY: Published Author Turned PR Shares A New Language of Love Through His Latest Book

APHRO APOLLO DID IT HIS WAY: Published Author Turned PR Shares A New Language of Love Through His Latest Book

Last January 2023, Author turned PR, Aphro, found his way back to writing through his latest book entitled, Skin and Bones

To anybody who’s going through a vast amount of feelings because of life transition, self-rediscovery, and finding the right love during these unprecedented times, Skin and Bones might be the right book for you. Moreover, this book is far distinct from the two old books that Aphro wrote entitled, Beyond the Broken Us and Last December that delve deeply in several themes like mental health, LGBTQA+, self- empowerment, and love. Thus, Aphro proves that he is more than just the master of love that most of his readers know him to be.

In fact, Aphro believes that a good writer is somebody who is versatile to write in any genre or in any form, be it in essay, press articles, advertisement, novel, poetry, or even a screenplay. 

Throughout his years in High School, he casually told people that at some point of his life, he wanted to become a writer, but as someone who grew from a small town, Aphro (Roel) finds it so hard to achieve. It wasn’t until Aphro entertained the idea of picking up the pen and paper. 

“I remember when I was in High school, we had homework wherein we needed to write a short- story. As someone who’s still starting to train, I still don’t have any idea what to write. Then, I saw some of my older brother’s write ups who also happened to be a journalist when he was in High School. With the eagerness to have a very good output, I translated his English short-story to Filipino. Then the next day, I was one of the students who read his work in front. Then, of course, my classmates liked it. I got a good mark from my Instructor. Then, a few weeks after, I was called in the faculty room, not because I plagiarized my brother’s output, but because I was being recommended by my Filipino Instructor to join the School Paper Publication’s Editorial Staff because of that homework. I know that the piece that I read in her class was engaging, but it wasn’t mine, I just translated it. I don’t know how to write, but with the eagerness to be trained and to learn writing, I took the offer. Then the rest is history. I will not shy myself away from that, because it’s how I started to know the proper way of writing – without translating anybody’s work anymore… ”

Apparently, Aphro Apollo’s accidental pursuit turns out so beautifully and productive. Aphro achieved academic milestones as a student and  campus journalist, too. He represented their entire region at the National Schools Press Conference for two consecutive years. Several years later, at the height of the pandemic, he published his debut novel, Beyond the Broken Us. To his surprise, Beyond the Broken Us got traction, making his way to be a nominee of an award giving body as Author of the Year.

But despite that unexpected trajectory, his interest in writing went on the backburner in favor of a more practical route: Pursuing a career in Public and Media Relations. But as the adage goes: If something is really meant for you, it will find its way back.. That’s what happened to Aphro in the corporate world, because as a PR he learned to figure out that writing  still plays a pivotal part in his career. He might not be writing books, but he’s writing press releases for journalists and writers for various magazines.

Before writing Skin and Bones, Aphro admitted during the Zoom interview that even though he’s a professional writer, he also experienced having a writer’s block. He shares a sentiment whereas during the time he’s submitting his first ever book manuscript, he’s the one who’s being rejected by agents and publishers. But now that he’s a published author, it turns out that he’s the one who’s rejecting the pieces he’s trying to write. 

“Everytime I am trying to write, then proofread my work afterwards, I just don’t feel any emotions at all. That’s why everytime I read my write ups that don’t meet my standard, I always ask myself if that’s the story I wanted to show the world.”

Aphro said that he started having an impeccable taste in terms of his writing style. 

“One of my strengths (maybe) is having the ability to confront myself, every time I do a craft. If I want to write a story that demands my readers to cry, to feel in love,or to feel angry, but then I never felt those feelings everytime I read my work, I always ask myself: How can you demand your readers to feel that way, if you as the writer can’t even feel it?”

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He then added that if he doesn’t want the piece, he will discontinue writing it. Making it difficult for him to write another book.


“I might be writing everyday on my job, but I know to myself that I wasn’t writing something that I really want and feel. But even if that’s the case, I must admit that I still enjoy my job, and I’m still grateful for what I am doing in my career. Although I wanna write a book again, I feel like the timing wasn’t right. It’s almost a year since the last time I published my second book.

Although ideas were there, inspiration was there, externally – I just felt that my heart wasn’t allowing them to come in.  Not until I went to Fully Booked in BGC with my workmate/friend to take a breath after a long tiring day from work, I decided to go into a shelf, pick a random book, and read its blurb. That book became a gentle wake up call to the sleeping author inside me. That friend of mine knew this story!”

Year-long Hiatus

After a year-long hiatus, Aphro came back to the literary scene with his latest collection of poetry and prose that evokes memories, new beginnings, and young love that lingers under the skin – to the bones. He uses his experience living alone away from his loved ones, the lessons, and challenges that he had encountered surviving the rolling punches of life – alone as the metaphor for this book. Indeed, timing plays an important role on his journey as an Author. And his newest book only proves that our season to bloom always happened in time. It might not be now, but soon. And as long as we are not there yet, Skin and Bones will be there to teach us a lesson that whatever season we’re in, we must embrace ourselves wholeheartedly. 

Photographer: Josh Aguinir of Afterglow
Wardrobe: ZARA and MANGO Spring and Summer Collection
HMUA: Lyka Montes

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