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6 Ways to Stay Fit When You’re Working the Night Shift

6 Ways to Stay Fit When You’re Working the Night Shift

Working the night shift offers a number of practical benefits to many Filipino professionals. For one, it often comes with higher pay and other benefits. It can also be quieter and cooler in the dead of the night, which are definitely advantages if you’re working from home in a tropical country like the Philippines. It’s worth noting, though, that there are also issues that people who work the night shift have to deal with. These include sleep disruptions and difficulty in maintaining social connections with others. There are also studies that point out how night shift workers are at higher risk for cardiovascular disorders, type 2 diabetes, and sleep disorders, among others.

That said, you can definitely still stay fit and healthy while working the night shift. Here are a few tips:

Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Sleeping well at the end of your shift can be a challenge when it’s hot and bright outside and your environment is brimming with activity. You really have to make an effort to get a good day’s rest. Fortunately, it will get easier if you practice good sleeping hygiene. First developed in the 1970s, sleep hygiene refers to practices that help people with insomnia sleep better. You can also try out these habits and see if they work for you.

Some good sleep hygiene habits include sleeping at the same time every day, blocking out all sources of light from your bedroom, and keeping the temperature in your room at a comfortable level. It also helps to refrain from using electronic devices in the bedroom and avoid drinking caffeinated and alcoholic beverages before bedtime. Doing these will help maintain your body’s internal clock, as well as make falling asleep and waking up easier. 

Exercise Regularly

One of the best ways to keep fit, whether or not you’re working the night shift, is to get some exercise.  The good thing is that there are plenty of exercises that you can do during your off hours. You can go running before or after your shift, for example, or you can join classes that focus on specific physical activities that pique your interest. If you’ve always wanted to learn martial arts, there are plenty of Brazilian jiu jitsu Philippines groups that are quite welcoming of complete beginners. The same can be said of classes and clubs that focus on dancing, cycling, and other recreational physical activities. 

Choose to Eat Healthily

Many people who work the night shift have trouble eating well. This is because most restaurants that serve healthy food are closed during night shift work hours. This leaves fast food as the most convenient source of meals in the middle of the shift. Sadly, fast food is high in calories, fat, and sugar, and eating it all the time can negatively impact your health.

It’s a much better option to bring packed lunch to work with you. This gives you control over the ingredients and method of cooking, so you can have healthier components in your meals. You can prepare these packed lunches at home; however, if you’re pressed for time, there are also subscription programs in the Philippines that specialize in providing healthy options. You can also substitute chips with healthier snacks like carrot and celery sticks, so you have something to munch on during your downtime. 

Stay Hydrated

Fatigue, lack of concentration, and poor memory are common concerns among people who are working the night shift. There are plenty of reasons why you may feel this way, and dehydration is one of them. Fortunately, this is one issue that’s easy to solve. Bring an adequate supply of water with you when you go to work, and make it a habit to drink as soon as you feel that you are thirsty. Aim to drink 8 glasses of water throughout your waking hours. 

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Keep Stress Under Control

Changes in your sleep patterns can increase your stress levels. This can result in irritability, fatigue, and decreased cognitive abilities, among others. This, in turn, can increase the level of stress that you may face while you’re on the clock. In addition, too much stress has been linked to mental health issues and physical illnesses like cardiovascular diseases.

While it’s impossible to completely eliminate stress, you can develop ways to deal with it in a healthy and productive manner. For example, you can take breaks and do guided meditation when you feel that stress is affecting your work or how you treat others. It’s also practical to identify the source of stress and see if you can do something to make it more manageable. 

Talk to Your Family Members

If you live with other people, make sure they understand how they can help you get a good day’s sleep and how vital rest is to your health and well-being. You can ask them to keep the noise level down when they’re near your bedroom, for example, so as not to disturb your sleep. Together, you can plan your household chores, meals, and social activities around your schedule. This way, your responsibilities at home will not become a future source of conflict and stress for you and your loved ones. 

It takes a bit of work to get these right, but the effort will be well worth it. By pursuing a healthier lifestyle, you’ll have a better chance of preserving your health and enjoying the financial benefits and other perks of working at night. 

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