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5 Most Common Phobias of Students

5 Most Common Phobias of Students

Since the pandemic hit in March 2020, the Philippines has been one of the few countries where schools have not fully opened for in-person classes. For two years, students were homeschooled and cooped up in their houses. And with the full F2F classes slowly resuming, many students come to class with worry and phobias upon setting foot on the school grounds.

Phobias are defined as irrational fears about specific things, places, or activities. However, it is important to note that fear and phobias are two different things. Students’ academic and social functioning might be negatively impacted by the types of phobias they experience. Moreover, we have listed below five of the most common phobias within student populations.

5 Most Common Phobias of Students


Didaskaleinophobia is the fear of school or the fear of going to school. This phobia results from different reasons. Most students, especially younger ones, are not comfortable at school. It is often due to the fact that they are leaving the safety of their homes for the first time. Students feel lost and extremely afraid in the school where they are. Students usually suffer from this anxiety because they cannot fully adapt to the school environment. The mere thought of going to school and unsafe school environments can trigger someone with didaskaleinophobia.


Glossophobia, or a fear of public speaking, is a very common phobia for students. Students with glossophobia avoid public speaking out of fear of making a fool of themselves or being judged harshly. Their mouth freezes, their leg shakes, tongue twirls at seeing the crowd of people. As a result, they might never raise their hands in class, never volunteer for projects, and never pursue careers that would require public speaking


Numerophobia/Arithmophobia is fear of dealing with numbers or mathematics. Some students may feel intimidated by mathematics, specifically by solving problems with complex mathematical computations. This fear could be triggered by the mere thought of having to perform any computation, whether for schoolwork or everyday life. Additionally, a fear of numbers can limit a person’s life and even impact their standard of living. Some students become socially withdrawn and feel embarrassed to admit they are afraid of mathematics and numbers.

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Enochlophobia is a social phobia that affects a lot of people today. It is a fear of crowds including the fear of becoming trapped, lost, or harmed in a crowd. Some students fear crowds and find large groups of people, like a crowded classroom or a school assembly, to be too loud. So, they worry about not being able to hear what they should listen to. Enochlophobia usually affects shy students who go to great lengths to avoid crowds or get away from them.


Monophobia is the term for having a fear of being alone. This phobia is very common to students that cannot do something on their own. Students who are incapable of working independently frequently suffer from this fear. They can’t bear the thought of being alone, they can’t even eat or use the restroom alone therefore, they will do anything to get the attention of others around them. A person may be afraid of being alone for a variety of reasons. In many instances, a traumatic event in early development is also a contributing factor.

People are different, and so are all the types of phobias someone might suffer from. But in the end, they are the only ones who can help themselves overcome these common phobias. With any mental health problem or anxiety disorder, it’s always best to find out about it and get help as soon as possible. So, students—children and teens, can have a better chance of getting over their worries and thriving without fear.

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